I’m Picking A fight…..Want To Join Me ?
At just 1pound below 40stone I was angry, I was angry at the world, the comments, the looks, the laughter people directed towards me hurt, it made me angry with the whole world, this in turn led to me eat, feeling sorry for myself, depressed, I hid away from the world, leaving my house only to either go to work or for food, I wasn’t living a life, I was barley existing.
Eventually I decided to fight, to fight obesity was going to be a long road, but it was one that I intended to channel all my anger into. I woke up after that first ride and I wanted to do it all over again, I wanted to fight obesity toe to toe in a street fight.
I’m now 2 years down the line and Obesity, in relation to me obesity has a bloody nose, but together we can achieve so much more.
If we fight together, toe to toe we can defeat obesity, we can raise awareness, launch foundations and we CAN win this fight.
I have so many ideas on what we can do, now all I need is some backing to help, please forward the following page onto anyone who you think can help with the backing, I have the ideas, the drive and the fight!
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So here are some ideas:
We all know someone is is overwight, obese etc who claims they dont eat, workout and still put weight on, hell I work with one such person, they claim to eat 600cals a day and go through punishing 2-4 hour workouts every night, well all know its not true as this person has a BMI that makes them morbidly obese. That is NOT the type of people I want to target with this , its been proven that education (or brainwashing) at an early age helps, so thats target number 1, change peoples mindsets before they become "Too old to change my ways"
Target 2 is people like me, I always said I was too fat to workout, too far to diet because it wouldnt even make a dint into my size, but as soon as I saw people at over 30 stone workout and keep the weight off that they lost I knew it could be done, I aways wanted to lose weight but was so huge thought I was a lost cause and thats the other side I want to look at. People who want to but cant see the light.
The basic principal of eat less, move more works, I am living proof, I can have treats, but it means a 2-3 pound weight loss a week, without treats and putting in 120 miles + per week I can look at a 3-6 pound loss per week. Sometimes people just need to see it can be done , so I want to start something to eduicate (or brainwash lol) youth and to help those in dire need, who want help, there will always be them that dont want to change and nothing I say or do will ever change that, unless they decided enough is enough.
All I need is contacts, backers, PR, NHS, PCT people etc etc, I have found the drive I need to push this into the next level.
Just post that link in my first post everywhere you can think of on the internet/locally, once it gets seen by people that can and want to help, i'll do everything needed to ensure it works !
I was about to challege you to table football for a second.
Been training myself, lost 6 kg and 15 to go until I am lightest since I was 18yrs old lol.
I still have my roadie kit boxed in my loft from the 90's lol my goal is to fit it again lol.