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Vuelta Stage 12

I've started to spend the vast wealth of transfers I've been saving up and have gone with a breakaway heavy team.

De Gendt, Fraile, Gilbert, Brambilla, Geniez, and Felline all in, to add to LL Sanchez, Valverde, and Mate.

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MinardiM189 | 8 years ago

Brought in Gilbert, Sanchez LL & Felline. Didn't work out too bad.

Sprinters for tomorrow ?

Aragonite | 8 years ago

Any consolation TER, I did Kenny to Hardy also. And think it  will pay off in the long run. Doesn't seem to be too many bargains at the bottom of the Vuelta barrel, this year.

Condor Andy | 8 years ago

Wasn't a complete disaster for me.  Managed 3,5,8 so better than nothing I suppose.  Might tweak one or two for tomorrow, but I'll save most for the weekend.

TER, I have a habit in grand tours of blowing all my transfers in the first week.  I might not be doing great here, but I'm trying to be more pragmatic.

TERatcliffe26 | 8 years ago

oh just to add insult to injury I took out Ellisonde last night for Hardy!! How that has failed unless Hardy is there at the finish

Could do with Gilbert and LLS not featuring

TERatcliffe26 | 8 years ago

Bloody hell on the transfers!! Im down to 12 I think!

My team for these two stages is Froome, Quintana, Valverde, Meersman, Felline, Hardy, Geniez, Fraile and Pardilla

Then 2 changes for 14 and 15 with Felline and Meersman out i think, in the hope Fraile and Geniez go for the mountains those days


Any tips on how to do the last 6 stages on transfers? although think my team is pretty balanced just maybe have to skip any chance in one of the sprint stages

triccky100 | 8 years ago

Two transfers for me,  in come Fraile and Hardy. Also have LL Sanchez, Frank and Geniez for the break. 

60km down and the peleton is not letting much go, a break of 7 with a 30 second lead. Fraile missed the first lot of KOM points which is a bummer (well at least for those that have him......)

Sniffer | 8 years ago

Interesting only four riders cross over in our teams today. 

Fraile, Geniez, Valverde and LL Sanchez

Sitting with 19 transfers now after just two changes today.  Left in GC riders for the 'guaranteed' points as breakaways are hard to predict on a stage like this.

Don't think I will have a big day, but hoping not to have a shocker either.

Condor Andy | 8 years ago

Well yeah, but I'm so far behind it doesn't really matter.  I'd like a couple of big scores before the end and this is a gamble, but I've got plenty of transfers left.  I'll get a couple of sprinters in for tomorrow (maybe) and then bring the mountain men back in for the weekend.

Yesterday was fairly crap for me, but I have all my budget spent on Froome, Valverde, Quintana and Chaves.  I'm thinking of not getting Chaves back in when it goes back to the big mountains, he seems a touch too expensive.

I'm trying to save about 10 transfers for the last 3 days.

tony kappler | 8 years ago

Interesting post Condor Andy; you aren't playing with our heads announcing your team before cut off time are you?  A big gamble in my opinion, and you will have to change it all back for stage 14; (different type of breakaway man required). Leaves you 19 transfers, a bit thin perhaps for grasping future opportunities.  And what happens if Tinkoff wants to have an early beer with his riders like yesterday. (Was great to see the GCs going for it, even though I had Hermans).

4 transfers for me, leaving 20 left, which should be OK.


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