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two wheels good...

So the London Scool of Economics no less says that cycling is good for the economy, reduces congestion and reduces the NHS burden. Perhaps lazy big-mouth bully fatties like Jeremy Clarkson should take that into account and start directing their ire at lazy big-mouthed fatties clogging up their arteries through inactivity so they can then clog up hospital beds with avoidable medical ailments.

The report says that regular cyclists take 7.4 sick days per year, compared with 8.7 sick days for non-cyclists, saving around £128m through reduced absenteeism, with projected savings of £2bn over the next 10 years.

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OldRidgeback | 13 years ago

I apologise in advance for anyone of a less than svelte appearance who may take issue with my comments. For Jeremy Clarkson however, I make no apologies.

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