Hello Road CC members
I am an undergraduate student at Queen Mary University of London completing my Degree in Geography.
I am conducting research on commuter cyclists in London UK, for my dissertation project. I will be looking into motives and constraints of commuter cyclists, as well as the impact of recent policy and infrastructural changes in London on cyclist behaviour.
I would like to interview cyclist members in order to get informed opinions on the above. I would be grateful if you could assist me with this by taking part in a 30 minute telephone interview. I need to interveiw a few more cyclists in order to complete my research and make it more credible. Please email me if you are interested, my email address is: fa09049 [at] qmul.ac.uk
I am looking to meet ALL of the following cyclist characteristics:
- Commuter Cyclists who travel in London in the Congestion Charge Zone
- Commuter Cyclists who cycle regularly (over twice a week)
- Commuter Cyclists who have started cycling in the last 10 years
The research involves:
- A one on one interview lasting approximately 30 minutes
- Interviews can be carried out over the phone
- Interviews will be recorded with permission from the participants
- Names of participants will be made anonymous in the final project
- Personal information such as contact details will only be available to me
- All information collected will be kept on a password protected computer
that can only be accessed by me
Participation in this is completely voluntary and participants may pull out of the research at any time. However participation would obtain information that could go towards broader discussion on looking into the
effects of policy changes in London on commuter cyclists. If you would like to know more information on the research please email me: fa09049 [at] qmul.ac.uk and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
I can assure you that this is genuine research for my dissertation and that the research has been approved by my university.
I will be carrying out my research between the following dates 27th October 2011 – 20th November 2011.
Department of Geography
Queen Mary University
Contact: FA09049 [at] qmul.ac.uk