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Back again....

Hi guys.

Some of you might recall my username from a few months back. Haven't posted in a while but have used cycling to keep me going through a tough few months after losing my mother.

Both mtb and road bike gave me the escape needed, although not much involvement in the forum.

Anyway, I am back.

Anyone else had cycling get them through tough times?

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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Super Domestique | 13 years ago

Thank you all for your replies and sentiments.

It's good to be back.

shollin | 13 years ago

I agree, I think it's two fold. It's the buzz you get from the physical exercise and the emotional well being you feel from what you see when your on the bike. You notice a lot more from a bike than you would from a car or walking and I think you see it in a different way too. You also get time and space to think clearly. Sorry about your mum, hope the cycling continues to help.

Simon E | 13 years ago

Welcome back and sorry to hear you've lost your mum. At least the cycling helped you through it.

nick_rearden | 13 years ago

Sorry about your mother. Yes, I'm sure it's not unique to cycling; the ability to immerse yourself in something mindlessly physical to distract what's going on in your head and there is something about the very real chemicals - endorphins? - that are released as a result of exercise but there IS something about cycling getting you somewhere where you can admire the view a long way from home that is unique and beats the gym any day. Welcome back...

Tony Farrelly | 13 years ago

Welcome back Super Domestique, glad cycling helped get you through what must have been a tough time. I've always found it a very useful release from the stresses of being involved in running a website - even dicing with dodgy drivers can be oddly cathartic… although maybe the shouting is the cathartic bit.

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