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Nose frostbite - now we are on the subject...

Not too sure if this is something unique, but does anyone suffer from what feels like nasal frostbite?? On these cold mornings (and mountain biking on the weekend) these last few days have given me a really painfull nose, like if the inside of my nose gets frozen whilst breathing heavy - uphills really get 'stingy'.

I prefer this than frozen teeth and throat - but seriuosly does anyone else get plauged by the frozen nose syndrome?? If someone has a reasonable remedy please pass on, can't remember getting it so bad last year but the last few mornings have been hideous - I see flashes of me turning up at work and my nose just falls off...  13


Trikeman.  3

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downfader | 13 years ago

Have ridden in -3 C a few times, never had a problem with anything other than snot.

The feeling the OP has experienced is possibly down to the blood vessels in the nose contracting, the blood drawing to the core of the body out of the extremities. This stops you getting hypothermia.

My advice is: liner gloves (merino is cool, but even cheap catering cotton ones work well). Buff over the face, or any of the rival scarf-like bits of clothing. Skull-cap or cycling cap under helmets also keep the head warmer.

Keep the extremities protected in very cold weather if riding more than a mile imo.

trikeman | 13 years ago

Absolutely hideous. Do you mean the burning on the sensitive inner lining of my nose could have actually been pigs urine,,,,,,, your taking the p*** I hope?  7

Lips, throat, inner nose and eyes,,,, all inward orifices to the inner me - Nooooo!

Trikeman.  3

colhum1 | 13 years ago

Chaps that 'ammonia smell' is dried animal urine....usually pig..!
Don't lick your lips...well you wouldn't eat yellow snow..!

trikeman | 13 years ago

You might be right, you know. Just got back from walking the dog, half way round there was a gritter doing a u-turn. I noticed a strong, sort of ammonia smell around the truck. As the driver was struggling to get the truck around I asked him what he was actually throwing out the back as there was a strange smell. He agreed, but the make up he wasn't too 'bright' about but he did state that they had noticed the strong smell when loading....

Could this be a sort of antifreeze additive - maybe? Voila,,,, is this the mystery between last year's non-problem 'salt' compared to this year.... Not only have we got to contend with nutter drivers, trucks thowing grit and salt in our eyes, now we have ammonia thown in our noses and throat.
Jeeze, is someone try to get me to buy a car and pay road tax or something.  7


Trikeman.  3

lazyusername | 13 years ago

I reckon it's got something to do with the amount of salt on the road. I'd never had this particular nasal issue until yesterday when it was cold and salty on the roads. Just a thought

trikeman | 13 years ago

Cheers lads, it all helps.
This morning was paticularly 'stingy' but the ride home was much better,,,,,, buff type tube now on and much betterer.  4


Trikeman.  3

stuke | 13 years ago

this'll do the trick,
It keeps the moisture in to stop the inside of your nose drying out.

I find it better than a Buff plus it's so breathable you can really push on the hills without struggling for breath.

colhum1 | 13 years ago

Leaving home at 6am, I found the weather a little chilly recently and suffered similar symptoms!
Others at work recommended a buff ( buff or amazon fleabay etc) less than a tenner, blooming miracle...cover neck and mouth/ nose or loads of ways to cover head/ ears.
No more chilly head  16

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