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Police apathy

On Saturday I found a bike. Not a particularly valuable bike (probably a few hundred quids worth) but clearly someone's pride and joy. Judging by the extensive use of stickers- a 14 year olds pride and joy! Phone the Police. Their response "can you recover it, we'll be in touch". Now our part of the world isn't exactly known for its crime levels (local police station has half day closing on Wednesdays) so I thought they'd come around collect the bike and say "thankyou".

Today there is a message on the answerphone, "bike now has a lost property number, if not claimed withon 2 weeks please dispose of it how you want".

They couldn't care less could they?

Bike was clearly nicked by a drunk wanting to get home and dumped in a field. I've posted a message on our village facebook page asking if anyone has lost a bike... Any other ideas of how to reunite bike with its owner?

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yourpaceormine | 12 years ago

I wouldn't joke, many years ago my mum had her car stolen. It was recovered, she needed some help getting it home [they'd knicked the steering wheel]. Her friend [a bobby with the same force] drove it home for her with a pair of pliers. When she checked out what else was missing she found lots of packets of white powder in the glove compartment...

keef66 | 12 years ago

So if I find a couple of kilos of crack cocaine they'll let me keep it or sell it on?

Stumps replied to keef66 | 12 years ago
keef66 wrote:

So if I find a couple of kilos of crack cocaine they'll let me keep it or sell it on?

Of course, just let them know you've got it, what you plan to do with it and your home address.

No doubt they will pop around to see how your getting on and offer some well placed advice........  24

yourpaceormine | 12 years ago

I can sort of see that - but how can they reunite it with its owner when they don't know what it looks like? They didn't ask for a description nor did they want one when asked 'would you like a description?'

Stumps replied to yourpaceormine | 12 years ago
yourpaceormine wrote:

I can sort of see that - but how can they reunite it with its owner when they don't know what it looks like? They didn't ask for a description nor did they want one when asked 'would you like a description?'

Now that is bad practice !

It will be recorded under make only which doesn't make any sense

Stumps | 12 years ago

As Gkam84 stated if its not been reported stolen then how are we supposed to trace the owner ?

When a bike is entered into lost / found property its make / model etc is normally searched on the computer to see if its been reported stolen.

As with most property recovered by the public (with the exception of the usual drugs / weapons etc etc) they can keep it at their address until an owner is found and the finder is given the property number.

In the force where i work we generally have about 3000+ items of property a month recovered / found so if the finder can keep it its generally acceptable practice.

Gkam84 | 12 years ago

It seems to be the way of "local" police, I know that out my way, the station is very rarely manned and has a buzzer, if you press it, it dials the none emergency number and then they have to try and find a local unit to deal with anything.

Unless the bike has been reported stolen to them, they aren't in a position to go hunting for the owned.

As Mick said, try round your local schools, good idea about putting it on the local facebook, maybe gumtree aswell?

Gumtree seems to be where stolen bikes end up these days as its alot less traceable than Ebay. So if the owner is looking on there. They might just come upon your ad for its safe return  3

big mick | 12 years ago

Phone around the local schools and ask the heads to put the word out maybe.Sounds like the coppers are not too interested.You would think they could have came up with that idea but like you say they could not give a monkeys.

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