Police have released pictures of an ‘aggressive cyclist’ they say may have verbally abused and spat on motorists in Bath.
The man, who they would like to speak to in connection with two incidents in recent months, was said to have spat on a car that went into an advanced stopping lane near Sainsbury’s.
A couple and their 11-year-old grandson said the cyclist responded by shouting abuse, spitting on the car, making explicit gesticulations and even reached in through the driver’s window to pull his glasses off his face and throw them inside the car.
“Once he started his ranting, there was no stopping him,” she told the Bath Chronicle.
“And this continued from the junction with the Lower Bristol Road, into the local car lane leading out of Bath right up to the traffic lights at the junction with Brougham Hayes, when we turned into Brougham Hayes and the cyclist continued on the Lower Bristol Road out of the city.”
“There is no doubt that many other motorists would have witnessed what went on and were equally terrified by the bullying tactics of this offensive cyclist.
“On each occasion the drivers tried to speak to the cyclist, but he was not prepared to hear what was to be said and just continued with his vociferous ranting and intimidation.”
Around eight weeks ago another driver said he received verbal abuse from a similar looking man of around 40 years old, who followed him “ranting and raving” from the traffic lights at the Pinesway end of Midland Bridge.
An Avon and Somerset Police spokesman confirmed they were investigating.
He said: "Bath police are appealing for information about an alleged road rage incident involving a cyclist and a car on Tuesday, December 3.
"It happened at around 5.20pm at the traffic lights at Pines Way, on the Lower Bristol Road.
"There was a dispute between a cyclist and the driver of a car in which it is claimed the driver was assaulted and sworn at and had his car kicked."
Anyone who witnessed either of the incidents, who recognises the man in the picture, or the man himself, is asked to contact Bath police on 101, quoting reference number 121059/13.
The images of the cyclist can be viewed here.
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I once spat on a car at lights. Mind you, a few minutes before he had used his over-powerful wind-screen washers several times in a row while moving (so the wind takes the fluid) and while I was cycling a bit behind him. I thought that was a bit inconsiderate, as I got showered and he let off another squirt even after I gesticulated from the first. So I was returning the favour in a way..
Kicking a car door
Getting physical
Verbal abuse when there is a child in the car.
Completely unacceptable behaviour from a human being no matter what the circumstances.
I cannot believe the comments that are supporting these actions.
Just because you are a cyclist does not mean you can do what you want to. Its disgusting behaviour, no matter the number of wheels you use to get around with.
This is why we police and a legal system to defend cyclists when they are assaulted...
Oh i forgot the legal system doesn't give a **** about cyclists, is it really surprising that this sort of thing happens?
More asymmetric reporting and policing.
Man shouts at car - and there is a nationwide hunt complete with 'wanted' picture.
Meanwhile we all know the physical danger motorists put cyclists in every day and even when we report the extreme examples with helmet-cam evidence the police just shrug their shoulders.
not defending the actions of this chap, as we don't know the full circumstances
but can understand the constant ignorance of the ASL by motorists that may have led to his ranting and raving
I'm currently commuting to work and back - 250km a week
the amount of ASL infringement I see every morning and evening is staggering, even from emergency services vehicles of all flavours (Police, Fire, Ambulance) and especially public transport vehicles like buses and taxis
regularly see Police vehicles sitting behind private motor vehicles sat well into the ASL with cyclists up front
but the Police do nothing about the ASL infringement even though its now £100 and 3 points on the driving license, which must be an "easy win" for Police looking to meet their 'targets'
Sounds like a nutter. There are nutters in cars and nutters on bikes. There are also nutter pedestrians too.
Shouting, swearing and spitting is not an effective way to make a point when a motorists does something wrong like drive into an ASL. The response exceeds the initial offence.
Probably two sides to the story and as we all know in the heat of the moment we (well many of us) say, do things we wouldn't be proud of later. But..........
...can't help thinking that plod don't go to so much effort with the hours of aggressive driver footage filmed by cyclists, not saying they are biased or anything...oh all right they are and this is disgraceful double standards.
spitting YUK . . . not a good way to win your argument !
But it does seem to be another case of the police siding with the motorist as a matter of course ! Maybe put the cops back on bikes then they would see things first hand from a cyclists point of view .. that is if they have the guts to get out into the traffic on 2 wheels instead of swanning around in Panda cars, eating doughnuts and make "documentaries" about Booze Britain etc
Somebody please think of the children!
He spat! On a car! How terrifying. What do they do when a bird craps on their windscreen? Run for their shotguns?
Good to hear the police are pursuing the drivers over the ASL infringements.
Sounds like Mr White van Man has lost his drivers licence and has taken up riding a bike.
I wonder if the police are as concerned and go 'looking' for aggressive/intimidating drivers as they do this bike rider?
Completely rhetorical, I know the answer!
If its true then the bloke is a prick and deserves everything thats coming.
But because he's a "cyclist" he's obviously been misunderstood and not really a wanker because after all its ALWAYS the drivers fault isn't it.............
We only have half a story though, are the motorists going to admit to almost killing the cyclist?
Unprovoked then he is a menace, but provoked, heat of the moment? someone just tried to kill you?
As for your comment about always the drivers fault, in my experience 7-8 times out of ten it is!
Is that a cough to bad cycling mrmo
Yeah i know there is always 2 sides to a story but you have to admit there people on here who automatically assume the driver has done something wrong in the first place and that the cyclist is never wrong.
No, just an acceptance that there are some f***ing idiots using all forms of transport, including feet.
won't disagree, there are some that automatically side with the cyclist, Then again, because I am bored, read the other article about the bloke who was killed by a truck whilst wearing a helmet? maybe if he hadn't the wing-mirror wouldn't have hit him....
There are some very entrenched views, cyclist=good, driver=bad.
Reality, there are idiots and there are people who make mistakes. NO ONE is perfect.
Completely agree with you there
Might not be right, but I have blown up at a beemer driver before, tried to run me off the road, caught him at lights and had "a quiet word".....
Have also had a "quiet word" with a police officer who had a go at me, rather than do something about the bus that had tried to kill me, in front of him!!
Adrenaline makes you do non rational things.
Nutter is as nutter does.
I'm sure he'll meet another and they'll get on famously.
The poor man has obviously been 'driven' to distraction!
Only blew my top once. Mind you, I did get rear ended as I was waiting to get on to one of the Mancunian Way roundabouts.
I get at least one driver a week tailgating, shouting and beeping their horns when I'm taking the primary (primary position, legal. more importantly, safe) coming up to a junction or on narrow lane/pinch point. Am guessing we all get this on a reasonably regular basis, and it's very unlikely anything will ever get done about it. It's the price we pay for being just that awesome.
So I fail to see the problem when a cyclist gets annoyed - okay, this guy's gone way OTT - about the illegal and potentially dangerous actions of another road user.
To put it another way, If there's 20 people carrying chainsaws around, one of whom has it attached to a rope and swinging it around his head, why in the name of all that is good and holy are they going after the guy carrying a feather duster in an offensive manner?
I think I recognise him!
I think I've seen him cycle around London too. Bright yellow Gore jacket and Endura chamois?!! Definitely the same chap!
Jeez! Spit on me, and use profanity around my children and that would be the last thing he ever did, the dirty pig! No excuse for that.
Hopefully they got enough DNA from the saliva to nail this aggressive asshole to the wall, sooner or later.
Sounds like a bit of a twat, possibly. It's hard to tell.
But, you know the real issue I have here? Unintentionally driving into an ASL.
WTF? Drive more carefully, think about your actions.
I have no doubt that many motorists unintentionally pass too close, pass when dangerous and do many other things which they really don't think about.
And that unintentionalism is one of the biggest dangers on our roads.
I go along with that. but there's also a lot of motorists doing all of the above, and more, intentionally as well.
Not condoning the cyclists actions, but if plod did their bit and enforced the law, would the cyclist have any reason to take issue?
If he managed to inspire "terror" in an entire queue of motorists he must be a force to be reckoned with. Either that or Bath motorists are cut from a more genteel and placid cloth than those in other cities.
Ok... His behaviour could be a result of an incident that the driver (s) will never say they were doing. Or he could be an over sensitive t##t? Who knows. But if you are in a near miss then the adrenaline rush that ensues almost immediately puts you in an attack or just stop mode, takes over, and doubles with euphoria when that "how the Fcuk did I survive that one" comment flows within your subconscious and then the lights turn red, and they are less than 100m away, mentally your inner grok takes over or your monkey brain as Dr Peters likes to call it. Up to 30 secs after the near miss psychologically you are not you and you respond with what is relief more than aggression, not condoning it, but people have got off murder charges for that very thing:-( and I admit I have chased many a car and lorry and had a genteel refined word in the Queens, I am sorry to report, not for chasing but how many near misses I have had. When will people understand that it is not acceptable to just think I missed them, phew lucky me and that makes it alright then... You can't drive cars etc snorting cocaine and texting etc thinking it's ok, when are they going to make killing a cyclist or pedestrian or another car driver/passenger murder? If you are texting etc you are committing a deliberate act that has resulted in the death of an innocent. Murder. Life. The police/government policy makers a bunch of public school boy I live in a different universe where the streets and roads are made of fluffy pillows, and when we fall over we get back up and the housemaster goes there there I will rub it better. But for us 21st century living plebs flesh bone brain and fast moving metal = death x1 as that's all we have and then they ask "why did you react like that?"
For me I just wish Q would make a JB bike, micro HE missiles exhaust seeking, oh I dribble with the thought.
Ditto to the above: aimed at the obvious rozzer surfers that will watch this post: it wasn't me either. Also up your game on mobile phone use when driving FFS. People are taking the p##s.
I would just like to state for the record, It wasn't me...
Sadly there seem to be as many aggressive w@nkers on bikes as there are in cars. Not saying the motorist was faultless but no wonder there is such antipathy between different groups of road users of late. Just look at the kind of language used on Twitter by the likes of that @CyclingMikey twerp - lowering himself to the level of those he tries to attack. When we should be building consensus.
Too true! The cycling vs driving debate is completely out of control imo. It's become a socially accepted replacement for racism for negative people that have to channel abuse at some part of society to make their own existence a little bit better.
Some cyclists are tools, some drivers are tools. Let's forget about those and get on with enjoying the ride/drive!