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The toughest #mycyclingweekend - WIN a BTwin Multitool

While the Tour de France is tackling massive Alps, can you be crowned's most combative #mycyclingweekend rider? Prove it...

It's not really on, is it? You spending your #mycyclingweekend tucked up at home with a cup of tea while the pros bury themselves on some of the most demanding climbs the Alps have to offer.

We're not about exclusivity here at We want to see everybody everywhere riding their bikes, whether it's to work, to the shops, on a comfortable cycle path, or up a 20% gradient in 30°C heat.

We know that there are plenty of you out there who have no problems slogging it up the side of a mountain, or grinding out countless miles in the heat. Really, we know, we've seen it, you've been shouting about your feats of cycling every single #mycyclingweekend.

But now the pressure's on. There's something at stake here. Not only will the rider who sends in the most hardcore #mycyclingweekend photo win a B'Twin 300 Multitool - which received a very positive review this week on - they will also be crowned's most combative reader for the week beginning July 27, 2015.

Think of it like the combativity award on the Tour. If you want to retain your title, you'll have to work equally hard the following week, if not harder in order to retain it.

So, to prove it, what we want to see are photos of mountains and exertion; effort and achievement; as many of you getting as far out of your comfort zones as you can. We want to see you achieve something you've never managed before.

As I mentioned before, we've already got some idea about what you lot can achieve, but we want more! Here's a taster of some relatively tame 'hardcore' rides. If you think you can do better: prove it.








I'm not sure how that last photo snuck in there. Whoever Elliot Johnston is though, I'm sure he's plenty manly enough to be pulling off multi-coloured spoke beads.

Anyway, start sending us your photos as soon as you can, and make sure you remember to include the #mycyclingweekend hashtag any of your Facebook, Instagram or Twitter posts.

Stay safe and exhausted out there.

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roeboy | 9 years ago

I hate Daddy

Richard D | 9 years ago

Technically three weekends ago.

160km audax, did this about 28 miles in.

No more riding during 2015, it looks like it's going to take about a year to heal up and start walking properly again.

But I've been offered free entry into the same event in 2016, so there will be no slacking!

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