Cyclists were left furious after the council refused to dismiss parking tickets they incurred while riding a 90 mile charity challenge.
The group, who were cycling from Otley near Leeds to Blackpool over the August Bank Holiday, found a penalty notice on their support van when they stayed overnight in Blackpool after the 90 mile grind.
Despite asking for clemency from the council in recognition of their efforts to raise £3,000 for Blackpool charity Donna’s Dream House, which provides holidays for seriously ill children and their families, they were told they would have to pay up.
Paul Meehan, who organises the annual ride, told the Blackpool Gazette: “About 10 of us had taken part in the ride and at the end we put all our bikes into our van, But the driver said the van was too high to get into any of the nearby secure car parks and we were worried about parking it on the road because we didn’t want it broken into and the bikes stolen.
“So we decided to park it in front of the Ibis Hotel in Talbot Square where we were staying.
“The hotel warned us we were likely to get a ticket, but we thought since we were raising money for one of Blackpool’s main charities, they might be more kind-hearted about it. We lost our appeal and have now paid the £35 ticket.”
Coun Christine Wright, Blackpool Council’s cabinet member with responsibility for car parking, said: “We always look to support charities wherever we can and our parking team assist people with charitable events on a regular basis. If people carrying out charitable acts have logistical issues to overcome we always do our very best to help when they get in contact with us in advance.
“In this case, however, that did not happen and therefore we had no idea the vehicle had any connection to a charity.
“It was clearly parked on the paved area and there is clear signage to say that parking is not allowed therefore a ticket was issued. There are a large number of secure car parks, both public and private, within yards of that area.”
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This isn't even a story, or anything to do with cycling.
Pay the fine move on. You ain't special.
Assuming the cyclists were British, more so if English:
"Cyclists, mildly peeved at parking ticket after ignoring friendly advice, make slightly socially awkward fuss"
"Charity cyclists lose appeal against parking ticket"
Mm, it has been getting a bit clickbaity-headlines round here lately. Take away the tabloid sensationalism and the story is: Someone got a parking ticket for illegal parking. Boo hoo.
Um, Sarah, you may want to check the dictionary definitions of 'furious' and 'enraged'. The spokesperson doesn't sound either, and it does Road.CC no credit to go all tabloid with the adjectives. A better angle to the story would have been:
This has happened
This is why
What cyclists should do to avoid it happening to them - maybe with advice from firms specialising in sponsored-ride support.
OK, let me play a sad song on the world's smallest violin for you guys...
Stupids get a parking ticket, then use a 'charity' excuse.
Actually, I agree with them, very few councils provide access to secure parking or Park & Ride's for high vehicles. I've missed visiting several towns because the access to parking or the Park & Ride is to low for me to enter due to the roofbox on my Golf Plus. It's OK saying there is secure parking nearby but the parking has to be accessible, and in this case it appears that they could not access the secure parking due to their mode of transport being the support van, so the the ticket should be rescinded. Modern people are getting bigger and their cars are doing the same, just compare a 60's mini to a modern mini, but parking providers are failing to recognise this. They should appeal again and if rejected, give the money to another charity after all if Blackpool won't help them why should they help Blackpool.
No. It's poor planning. Look at the main parking websites, they all are clear about their height restrictions.
The correct procedure would be to get in touch with the council BEFORE the event, explain the situation and ask for leniency. Carrying on regardless, and expecting a refund despite warnings, is patronising and disrespectful.
And your final sentence suggests that this charity (which looking at their website doesn't fritter money on marketing, probably doesn't have huge overheads and probably spends most of what it raises directly on the cause) should suffer as a result? That's just petulant
They knew they shouldn't park there, they did it anyway. Idiots.
They knew they were taking a chance with regard to a ticket - they gambled and lost. It's only £3.50 each, surely? Cheaper than using Slough's secure parking white elephant!
Was there no way they could have taken their bikes into their rooms? I'd sympathise more with a complaint about petty hotel rules.
Sounds like poor planning to me. Why didn't they arrange their parking issues with the council beforehand?
Cyclists on the pavement again?
It would have been even more amusing if they had parked on a cycle lane, if such a thing exists in Blackpool.
Just tell me where to send £35 to stop them whining. I guess it is too late for that now.
Got to take this on the chin and stop complaining
People that expect special treatment because they're raising money for charity are so annoying