Boris Johnson has said in a TV interview that he misses cycling in London.
In July, the Foreign Secretary was banned by his police bodyguards from riding his bike because it was deemed to be too much of a security risk.
> Boris Johnson banned from cycling in London due to security fears
ITV’s Robert Peston suggested to Mr Johnson this morning that he was missing out on cycling 350 miles fewer a year as a result.
“More than that,” replied the Tory politician. “I used to cycle all the way around London, I used to cycle everywhere and I do miss it.”
Mr Johnson said he had been forbidden from riding his bike “because it involves a sort of convoy of police cyclists, plus cars, plus God knows what."
He added: “It’s nothing compared to what happened in Pakistan. There were literally 5,000 police officers and two ambulances and a fire engine.”
When he was Mayor of London, Johnson’s commute from his home in Islington to City Hall was a little over three miles each way by the most direct route.
With his journey to Whitehall taking an hour by car due to London’s traffic, Johnson has since moved to a grace and favour apartment in Carlton Gardens, a short walk across St James’s Park from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
After news emerged of his ban from cycling, one of Johnson’s friends said: “Boris loves cycling, he used to go everywhere on a bike while he was mayor, so being told he can no longer do this is a real irritation for him.
“He pushed back, but the coppers were adamant and he accepts he makes quite a recognisable target. He is now working on other ways to burn off all those big diplomatic dinners.”
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Anyone read the 'Slow Horses' books by Mick Herron?
One of the characters is a very thinly disguised version of Boris.
It's fair to say that Mick Herron doesn't like him.
Some this article written is gibberish in. Reading proof needed.
My plan to name our new dog "Boris" came unstuck when it turned out to be a girl, but in my heart I keep a soft spot for the man. Compared to the usual faceless, anonymous politicians he is a breath of fresh air, a burst of humanity, a reminder we are all riddled with frailties.
Knowing a politician likes riding a bike is, for me at least, a sign that he's human. Hence, I can't hate Boris Johnson.
I'm quite willing to see past his bicyle use and HATE HIM.
Living in London as I do I did used to see him out on his bike from time to time. He may be a cyclist but I still despise the man for the arrogant and sociopathic liar that he is. It's worth remembering that the only reason he started cycling was because of a driving ban.
Maybe the police would let him cycle in Boston, Lincolnshire, where only 24% of voters think he is lying sack of shit.
I doubt the police have "banned" him, he's still a member of the public and can do whatever he wants in that regard. More likely they've told him they can't protect him as well as they can when he's in a car and he's accepted their argument.