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Videos: 13 of the weirdest things carried on bikes

We’ll be honest, it’s mostly fridges

After a man was recently spotted transporting a tumble dryer on his bike pedal, it occurred to us that everyone loves a video of a comically inappropriate load being carried on a bicycle. Here are 13 of our favourites.

A fridge

The bike’s not being pushed along as some sort of makeshift wheelbarrow, as with the guy moving the tumbledryer. This is a guy actually cycling along with a fridge on his rear rack.


Another fridge

And if you don’t have a rear rack? Well then, just hoick the fridge onto your back.


Yet another fridge

At some point you have to ask yourself whether you’re the weird one for thinking it’s any way unusual to try and transport a fridge by bike.


A gas canister and a watermelon

Hard to know what to say about this one. Initially we thought that trackstanding with a gas canister on your head would be tough to beat, but then we discovered that this was no big deal because the same guy had also been riding around with a melon balanced on the gas canister for added instability.


A cat

The cat in question is called Semyon Semyonych, in case you were wondering – which you surely were.


A goat

Sorry, we don’t know the goat’s name.


Two sheep

Animals and fridges are clearly the main things people like to carry on their bikes.


A sack of spuds or summat

In truth, this one isn’t so much about what’s being carried as the effortless manner in which a Colombian farmer cracks a pair of triathletes on a climb.


A mattress

We suppose that if your no-handed fully-laden cycling does result in a fall, at least you have a soft place to land.



Not entirely sure what. Possibly just empty polystyrene packaging. Slight suspicion of a third wheel providing a bit of balance somewhere in there, but it’s still an impressive effort.


More stuff

Slightly less stuff, but definitely two wheels (even if he isn’t making much use of the pedals).


The entire contents of a person’s house, including the kitchen sink

A whole fleet of unusual loads in this one.


A final fridge

We couldn’t end with anything else.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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whobiggs | 7 years ago

When I saw the first picture I thought the goat was trying catch a bike thief! yes

handlebarcam | 7 years ago

You might want to change the image representing this story on the home page. Because if you move the mouse cursor back and forth over it, the zoom mouseover animation effect starts to make it look like something rather less innocent than a goat getting a "backie".

RobD | 7 years ago
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All those who obsess about excess grams take note, the guy with the sack of spuds puts it all to shame (or he's motor doping)

dmack replied to RobD | 7 years ago

RobD wrote:

All those who obsess about excess grams take note, the guy with the sack of spuds puts it all to shame (or he's motor doping)

Maybe it's where he stored the battery!

Cyclecynic replied to dmack | 7 years ago
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dmack wrote:

RobD wrote:

All those who obsess about excess grams take note, the guy with the sack of spuds puts it all to shame (or he's motor doping)

Maybe it's where he stored the battery!

It is the battery



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