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Motorist jailed for causing cyclist life-changing injuries back in prison for flouting driving ban

Emily Brown had been banned from driving for four and a half years after leaving cyclist Stuart Crowther with a fractured skull

A motorist who was jailed after seriously injuring a cyclist while driving under the influence of drugs found herself back to prison after she was caught driving her car while banned.

Emily Brown, aged 32, was spotted by police on 7 March this year as she drove her six-year-old daughter to school in Oldham with her six-year-old daughter also in the car, reports The Sun.

Last July, she was banned for driving for four and a half years and handed a 12 month jail sentence after leaving cyclist Stuart Crowther with a broken skull when she crashed into him from behind while high on cocaine.

The victim, who also suffered from lack of concentration and dizzy spells as a result of the incident in October 2017, was forced to give up his job as a lorry driver.

Brown, who is pregnant, served around half the 12-month jail term before being released on licence, spent 28 days in prison after police caught her driving last month.

She has since pleaded guilty at Tameside Magistrates’ Court to driving while disqualified and uninsured.

She was handed a 12-week prison sentence, suspended for a year, which took into account the 28 days she had already served, her driving ban was extended by a year, and she was told to pay costs and surcharges totalling £200.

Magistrates told Brown, who works as a lettings agent: “This offence does definitely pass the custody threshold but we are giving you credit for the guilty plea and the fact you have already done 28 days recall.

“It is important, Ms Brown that you get yourself sorted out,” they added.

At her original trial last year, the court heard that she was fined to have a level of cocaine six times the threshold for drug-driving in her system.

She claimed to have taken the drug 48 hours before the collision because it was six years to the day since her prematurely born twins had died, but tests revealed the cocaine had been taken 12 hours beforehand.

Sentencing Brown last July, Judge Bernadette Baxter told her: “You have expressed genuine remorse, you are a valued member of staff at work and you suffer with depression, and have been self-medicating with cannabis and cocaine following the death of your twin babies. I have also been told your daughter has been having problems at school.

“But you need to face your responsibilities as a mother. I am fully aware you have suffered a bereavement but you are responsible for you children and they are not responsible for your actions.

“There was significant risk to life by your own driving. He has suffered life changing injuries,” she added.

Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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Zebulebu | 5 years ago

So - get banned, serve time, get out, drive again anyway, and don't serve time? Honestly - where is the fucking deterrent here?

Words fail me


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