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Entries for Frome's Cobble Wobble III open at 8pm sharp tonight, but better be quick (+ 2010 videos)

Organisers expect 200 places on offer for next month's hill climb to disappear in record time...

Sunday 25 September sees the return of Frome’s Cobble Wobble hill climb, founded as recently as 2009 but already firmly established as one of the highlights of the cycling calendar in the South West. If you want to take part this year though, you’d better be quick – entries, which are restricted to 200, open online at 8pm this evening and are expected to sell out in double quick time.

The contest features the 179-yard climb of the cobbled Stony Street and Catherine Hill, and as last year, when Chris Akrigg picked up the title of King of the Cobbles, there’s a Charge bike on offer to the fastest person up the ascent.

Akrigg of course is still recovering from serious injuries he sustained in a crash in May, and earlier this week tweeted a picture of himself in his King of the Cobbles t-shirt with the caption ‘King of the cripples more like!’

This video produced by Charge Bikes of last year’s event includes Akrigg talking about the set-up of his bike, and also shows some of the more light-hearted participants – Sesame Street’s Big Bird roaring up the cobbles being a particular crowd-pleaser.

Cobble Wobble - 2010 from Charge Bikes on Vimeo.

 If you fancy having a go yourself, this helmetcam footage from Neil Thayer shows you what to expect. There, that doesn’t seem so bad, does it? Although of course, it’s always much easier to watch someone else do it…

Organisers expect the event to sell out in as little as one hour, and their advice if you want to take part is to set yourself a reminder to go to the website at 8pm sharp this evening to complete the entry form. They add that you must wait for the payment screen to load after submitting the form, since only complete entries (including payment) will be processed.


Simon joined as news editor in 2009 and is now the site’s community editor, acting as a link between the team producing the content and our readers. A law and languages graduate, published translator and former retail analyst, he has reported on issues as diverse as cycling-related court cases, anti-doping investigations, the latest developments in the bike industry and the sport’s biggest races. Now back in London full-time after 15 years living in Oxford and Cambridge, he loves cycling along the Thames but misses having his former riding buddy, Elodie the miniature schnauzer, in the basket in front of him.

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stuke | 13 years ago

I managed 30 seconds last year on gears so aiming to beat that this year on fixed. amazing atmosphere whether you're riding or watching  4

Fringe | 13 years ago

not going to bother trying for this, but if they ever do some 'water cycling' like this i'll be in like a rabbit (?!)

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