Submissions are now open for the Twelfth Annual Bicycle Film Festival. BFF are looking for any new films with a bike-related theme and any style is acceptable; animation, experimental, narrative, documentary and music video.
According to the BFF , there’s no fee to enter your film; you just download a submission form from the link below and send a copy of the film to the BFF headquarters in New York.
The Bicycle Film Festival began in 2001 when founder Brendt Barbur was hit by a bus while riding his bike in New York City. He wanted to turn his negative experience into a positive one and founded the Bicycle Film Festival. "Since its inception," according to BFF's Laura Fetcher, "the Bicycle Film Festival has been a platform to celebrate the bicycle through music, art and, of course, film."
The BFF travels to over 25 cities around the world, including Paris, London, Tokyo, New York and Sydney with last year more than 225,000 people attended the festival. The BFF is not only a showcase for new films but also includes rock shows, street parties, art shows, dinners and especially bike rides.
The BFF is proud to be a platform for exposure for many independent filmmakers and artists, and to show a range of emerging filmmakers to established artists, including Albert Maysles, Spike Jonze, Mike Mills, The Neistat Brothers, Michel Gondry, and Tom Sachs.
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