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Video: Chris Boardman, Sir Dave Brailsford & Laura Trott urge people to sign Get Britain Cycling e-petition

Boardman, Trott, and Brailsford call for action to transform cycling in the UK

British Cycling Performance Director Sir Dave Brailsford, double Olympic gold medallist Laura Trott and former world and Olympic champion Chris Boardman are urging people to back the  e-petition calling on Prime Minister David Cameron to implement the recommendations of the Get Britain Cycling report published last week.

In a video produced by British Cycling urging people to sign, Chris Boardman calls for the reallocation of a proportion of the transport budget to cycling, saying that the current piecemeal approach doesn't work and again calling on government to ensure that a minimum of £10 per head is spend on cycling infrastructure in the UK and that all new roads schemes include mandatory provision for cyclists. Laura Trott meanwhile calls for cycling proficiency to be made part of the national curriculum.

The petition currently has 46,684 signatories and needs 100,000 to stand a chance of being debated in Parliament - that chance can only be further increased if it reaches it's 100,000 target quickly - so far it is almost half way there in a little more than a week, it has a year to make the target.

So, if everyone who has already signed it finds just one other person to support the petition, that target will be very close.

Boardman, who now acts as policy advisor to British Cycling and was one of the contributors to the report, said: “ We’re getting there but we need your help to really keep up the momentum on this vital issue.”

Trott added: “There are two million people in this country cycling at least once a week. If even 10% of those people signed the petition we’d be well on our way to making the government stand up and listen.”

The text of the petition, which you can sign here, reads:

We the undersigned call on the Prime Minister to pledge that the Government will implement the recommendations in the 'Get Britain Cycling' parliamentary report.

The inquiry, chaired by a cross-party panel of MPs and peers, heard that promoting cycling as a healthy and affordable way to travel can tackle Britain's obesity crisis, save millions from NHS budgets, boost the economy and reduce congestion on our roads and trains.

The inquiry’s 18 recommendations focus on reallocating investment, safer road design, lower speed limits, better training and strong political leadership.

This will require cross-departmental consensus led from the Cabinet Office and Downing Street, not just from the Department for Transport.

In the Commons on February 22, 2012, the Prime Minister said of The Times's ‘Cities Fit for Cycling’ campaign: “If we want to encourage the growth in cycling we’ve seen in recent years, we need to get behind campaigns like this.”

Now is the time to act on those words.'s founder and first editor, nowadays to be found riding a spreadsheet. Tony's journey in cycling media started in 1997 as production editor and then deputy editor of Total Bike, acting editor of Total Mountain Bike and then seven years as editor of Cycling Plus. He launched his first cycling website - the Cycling Plus Forum at the turn of the century. In 2006 he left C+ to head up the launch team for Bike Radar which he edited until 2008, when he co-launched the multi-award winning - finally handing on the reins in 2021 to Jack Sexty. His favourite ride is his ‘commute’ - which he does most days inc weekends and he’s been cycle-commuting since 1994. His favourite bikes are titanium and have disc brakes, though he'd like to own a carbon bike one day.

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RuthF28 | 11 years ago

I signed this petition as soon as I heard about it from the CTC, but why does it give a closing date of 23 April? I think it puts people off signing because they think it's too late! My godmother said she would have but didn't bother because of that. It's very confusing.

WolfieSmith | 11 years ago

All well and good but I'd like Chris to pop over the water and try and get Peel Holdings and Liverpool Council to work together on a proper North South commuter route for Liverpool.

The cycle routes in North Liverpool are piss poor and Boardman's backing of the Council's plans to install 1,000 Boris bikes with a ring/fenced freebie of £2.5m - rather than plan proper future cycle commuter routes is just yet more short term PR bullsh*t.

A bit of 'mandatory planning' advice in Chris's own area would be the best start.

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