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BMW survey on 'most environmentally friendly form of transport' fails to include walking or cycling

Another day, another questionable social media post from a car manufacturer...

BMW has been criticised for conducting a survey asking people what they think the most environmentally form of transport is - without including walking or cycling as options.

The Twitter poll, which has nearly 6,000 votes, asks: "What do you think is the best way to get around town and still do our part to protect our environments?"

It gives four options for people to choose; Car sharing, E-Scooters, public transport or 'my super sustainable BMW'.

Unsurprisingly, people were quick to ask why the two cheapest and most obvious modes of sustainable transport, walking and cycling, were not included. 

Emma Edwards, who is a green party councillor for Bishopston and Ashley Down in Bristol, commented on the post. 

She said: "Active travel will always be the most sustainable and eco friendly option.

"The fact that you don’t even list it as an option makes me wonder what your definition of ‘super sustainable’ is.

"Also can you tell your customers to give bikes space please when they overtake."

Helpfully, there were plenty of Twitter users who commented on the post reminding the car manufacturer that there were plenty of other, more environmentally friendly modes of transport - that didn't involve using a motor. 

Others accused BMW of 'green washing' by publishing a post about World Environment Day. 

Only last week Mercedes came under fire for this since deleted post which showed the dazzling array of screens inside its new S-Class range.

And just yesterday, Toyota were teased after publishing an image of the 'ideal adventure' including a very cheap looking bike alongside a £27,000 off road vehicle. 

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wtjs | 3 years ago

At least 60 mph

wtjs | 3 years ago

Of course, it's not an absolute distinction- there may well be non-sociopaths driving BMWs. However, personal experience proves to my own satisfaction that there is a considerably higher than average percentage of drivers of BMWs who think, essentially could save 2 minutes on that trip, knock that hospital/ social housing/ care home down. These people dream of driving Leopard/ Panzer tanks through and over crowds of untermensch- Audis are slightly different- they dream it's a Tiger tank.

Philh68 | 3 years ago

BMW forgot they sell bicycles too?

wtjs | 3 years ago

The clue lies in the name of the sponsor and the sort of sociopaths who drive their cars.

essexian replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

Interesting to know I am a sociopath.  I know that I am a socialist of the old school but hey, what's a new label eh. 

In the 12 years I have owned and run BMW made cars my total kill rate is zero. Does this mean I need to hand the keys to my i3 back? Hell, I've hit more children riding my bike than I have ever done in a car.







Sriracha replied to essexian | 3 years ago

Is it true they don't have indicators?  3

essexian replied to Sriracha | 3 years ago

Well they are an added extra but yes, I had them fitted.

Don't use them however. Why should I? Afterall, I am the most important person on the road at the time....


riggbeck replied to Sriracha | 3 years ago
Sriracha wrote:

Is it true they don't have indicators?  3

A BMW used to be our family car, the indicators were actually a genuine head pain to use, a double press switch, light press for four flashes, slightly more than light press for constant, turning off an accidental constant flash often meant indicating in the wrong direction!

Apart from that I thought it was a great car,  it was also driven with respect for all road users and guilty of many extra wide passes of cyclists.

zeeridesbikes replied to wtjs | 3 years ago
1 like

Another sociopath here, happy to admit I do enjoy driving it, and can also attest to not having killed anyone.

I'm actually extra courteous to try and fight the stereotype. Enjoying driving and cycling don't have to be mutually exclusive. 

However I do agree the poll was utterly ridiculous. 

andystow replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

I put more miles each year on my bicycles than on my BMW, but here's mine getting me to a bike ride (I was running late, I usually ride my bike to the start of group rides.)

Indicators fully operational.

riggbeck | 3 years ago
1 like

Based on the traffic jams leaving their Munich facility every working day even they will find it hard to argue in favour of the car.

eburtthebike | 3 years ago

JHC; have they no shame?  In bike week too. 

So incredibly crass I can't think of a word for how stupid that was.

Captain Badger replied to eburtthebike | 3 years ago
eburtthebike wrote:

JHC; have they no shame?  In bike week too. 

So incredibly crass I can't think of a word for how stupid that was.

No. They manufacture planet trashing child killers and market them. Of course they haven't any shame.

TriTaxMan replied to eburtthebike | 3 years ago

No they have no shame at all - they jump aboard things when it suits them.

BMW worldwide twitter have shamelessly changed their logo to "support" pride month in countries where in general the LGBT community are already widely accepted but in the countries where such support is actually needed all you get is crickets.

They are not the only car manufacturer to jump on things when and where it suits them VW/Audi are another

Mybike replied to TriTaxMan | 3 years ago

It called marketing no one should ever believe a corporation when they say words like we care were here to help.

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