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Cyclists banned from Richmond Park due to “congestion”

Royal Parks says decision has been taken to protect public safety and “to keep this vital green space open for everyone”

Cycling will be banned in Richmond Park from tomorrow due to the numbers of cyclists who have been riding through. A spokesperson said other Royal Parks remained open for cyclists as there was “no current evidence of congestion.”

Last weekend, Richmond Park Cyclists urged people to ride alone or risk being banned after images emerged showing cyclists queueing at one of the refreshment kiosks.

Rules on social distancing have been ignored by a number of visitors – not just cyclists – resulting in motor vehicles being banned from three Royal Parks and the closure of a number of cafés and kiosks.

Yesterday, Royal Parks threatened to close its parks to cyclists if rules weren’t respected.

A similar tweet was addressed to joggers, only without the threat of exclusion.

ITV now reports that cycling will be banned in Richmond Park from tomorrow (Saturday March 28) due to the volume of cyclists and the failure to observe social distancing rules.

A Royal Parks spokesperson explained: “It is necessary to suspend all cycling in Richmond Park to protect public safety and ultimately help keep this vital green space open for everyone. Cycling is still permitted in the other Royal Parks, where there is no current evidence of congestion.

“We’re continuously monitoring the situation and intervening where appropriate, with the support of the police, to reduce congestion in all areas across all our parks.

“Many parks are closing across the UK because people aren’t following the Government’s guidelines and people are gathering in groups of more than two.

“We really want to keep our eight parks open across London as they are such important green spaces for those that can reach them safely for daily exercise and to walk in nature.”

NHS workers can continue to cycle though the park if they show their staff pass.

A number of cyclists have questioned the move, arguing that there was little evidence people were failing to maintain distance from one another.

Reporting from the park on Monday, our news editor Simon MacMichael shot the footage below.

"There are lots of cyclists around but all being sensible,” he said. “No-one's drafting, almost all are riding on their own bar a few couples.

"I've been here long enough to have seen everyone do a full lap. No one's taking the piss. The message seems to have got through."

In a statement responding to Royal Parks' decision, London Cycling Campaign said the capital needed more safe cycling spaces, not fewer.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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simontm | 4 years ago

I have seen one group of morons on a group ride but I suspect it's about numbers - well over thousand in one day according to Strava. 
the one thing that annoys me is that folk will now migrate to Bushy Park, create congestion there and shut that down to leaving me to cycle through Hampton Hill or down to Hampton Wick to get home.

SimonS replied to simontm | 4 years ago

1000 in a day shouldn't an issue.  The road loop in the park is nearly 7 miles long.  At 5m intervals that would take over 2000 people in either direction.  

Obviously it's quite that simple but without motor traffic it should be able to accomodate a huge number of people cycling at safe distances

simontm replied to SimonS | 4 years ago

Sorry I should have said for a weekday that seems a lot. Normally there's around 300-500 at this time of year. The weekend would have been worse. Btw if anyone hasn't been through Bushy, the walkers are definitely taking over the roads if last night was anything to go by.

StuInNorway | 4 years ago

Go back 3 weeks, look out that self important woman's windows, and count the cars, . .  spend 15 minutes, do you think there might be more than 92 ?

essexian | 4 years ago

The Royal Parks hate cyclists and have been looking for a reason to close "their" land to the likes of us for years.

It is time these parks were taken into public ownership....which is as likely to happen as me being fast enough to get within 2m of another cyclist. 

Hirsute | 4 years ago

6 a minute ? 10 second intervals seems ok judging by



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