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Cyclists CAN enjoy Snake Pass during latest landslip repairs, council confirms

Derbyshire County Council confirmed to that cyclists will be able to ride up to the road closure (and then descend back down) but reminded riders to take care as the road will not be completely traffic-free

Part of the A57 Snake Pass is to close for five days next week for "urgent road repairs at landslip sites", the council carrying out resurfacing and other road maintenance while the road is shut.

Derbyshire County Council says "the road will be closed to all users, including pedestrians and cyclists, in both directions from the summit of the Snake Pass to the turning for the Upper Derwent visitor centre at Fairholmes", but confirmed to cyclists will still be able to ride up to the road closure.

The council stressed that while the route will be a dead end, and likely much quieter than normal, there may still be works traffic or other road users on the non-closed sections, so asked cyclists to take care if enjoying Snake Pass next week.

"While the work is taking place on the Snake Pass cyclists can ride up to the physical closure point," a spokesperson told "But we would like to remind anyone who wants to do this that there will be construction traffic using the road, as will local residents, and anyone else visiting the properties on the road. We'd urge any cyclists to ride the pass bearing this in mind for their own safety. And we'd ask that no one tries to get through the part of the road where the work will be taking place."

During last spring's closure for repairs, the route remained open to cyclists and pedestrians for a short while before being closed to everyone due to "safety concerns".

That decision prompted the Snake Pass Trespass, an organised 'Trespass' ride that saw around 60 riders climb to the road closure, the route described as a cyclist's paradise free from the high-speed traffic that normally populates the 12-mile winding route out of Glossop.

> Peak District or the Alps? Cyclist enjoys snow-covered Snake Pass

And with the latest road closure announcement, the 'Trespass' is back, Harry Gray offering cyclists the opportunity to "take a rare chance to ride to the summit car-free" with the ride meeting next Wednesday (24 May) at 6.30pm in Glossop's Norfolk Square.

 The road was badly damaged by heavy rainfall in February last year, during Storms Eunice and Franklin, causing major landslips and prompting last year's repairs, but following a harsh winter and recent heavy rainfall, "urgent repairs are now needed which include removing the existing cracked and damaged road and replacing it with a new, much smoother surface".

Snake Pass via Derbhyshire County Council

The council says it will carry out a range of other works while the road is closed including repairing the route's retaining walls, surface dressing, pothole repairs and clearing out road drains to minimise surface water flooding.

"During the works, access will be maintained for local residents in the area, deliveries and for farmers moving heavy equipment and their livestock," the council said. "The A57 Snake Pass will be closed to all traffic for five days from Monday, 22 May, for resurfacing works to be carried out at Gillot Hey and Wood Cottage.

"Due to the extensive nature of the repairs and the narrow width of the single carriageway, the road will be closed to all users, including pedestrians and cyclists, in both directions from the summit of the Snake Pass to the turning for the Upper Derwent visitor centre at Fairholmes.

"A signed diversion will be in place during the works using the A57 Bamford, A6013, A6187, B6049, A623, A6, A624, and the A57 to Glossop."

Snake Pass (licensed CC BY-SA 2.0 by Paul Anderson)

Derbyshire County Council is currently awaiting the final copy of geotechnical site surveys, undertaken at the three sites affected by last year's landslips – Gillot Hey, Wood Cottage and Alport – "to help understand how to repair the existing slips, the likely cost and the chance of any further landslips in the future".

"With the weather conditions now improving, we've taken the opportunity to carry out repairs to the two sections of road damaged by the last year's landslips as soon as we could and before the busy bank holiday weekend," cabinet member for highways assets and transport, Cllr Kewal Singh Athwal explained.

"It's a challenging location for our team, working on some of the highest ground in the county and in an exposed, rural location on a narrow stretch of road. The sites have already slipped and we want to make sure we have the time and space to successfully carry out the complex resurfacing repairs. The road is also used by heavy farm vehicles throughout the day and night and our own team will be out and about with heavy machinery to carry out the repairs.

"This is why we have decided to close the road from the summit of the Snake Pass to the turning for the Upper Derwent visitor centre at Fairholmes to make sure we keep the public safe, to minimise the risk of collisions between vehicles and to help our team complete the works as quickly as possible.

"I'd like to thank everyone who uses the Snake Pass for their patience while we complete these essential repairs."

Dan is the news editor and has spent the past four years writing stories and features, as well as (hopefully) keeping you entertained on the live blog. Having previously written about nearly every other sport under the sun for the Express, and the weird and wonderful world of non-league football for the Non-League Paper, Dan joined in 2020. Come the weekend you'll find him labouring up a hill, probably with a mouth full of jelly babies, or making a bonk-induced trip to a south of England petrol station... in search of more jelly babies.

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CygnusX1 | 1 year ago
1 like

Enjoyed my solo "trespass" yesterday. A great climb but not one I would ever consider under normal traffic conditions.

CygnusX1 replied to CygnusX1 | 1 year ago

I wasn't lying down when I took that last photo, not sure if there's away to edit post to tell website to rotate image?

Here's another. Hopefully it gets the orientation right on this...

Dnnnnnn | 1 year ago

Definitely worth doing this if you can. I think the climb from and return to Glossop (to the west, unaffected by the closure) is the better side anyway - although not so handy for a (long) tarmac loop.

Accessibility f... | 1 year ago
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The legal road closure is between Wood Cottage and the junction with the A6013.  So ignore the "summit" business - that isn't what the temporary traffic order says.  If you're on a suitable bike you can use the public footpath that leaves the road between Heyridge Farm and Wood Cottage, and continue east along the track that runs south of Ladybower Reservoir.



HoarseMann | 1 year ago

Sense prevails! Most councils have a rule that road closures should only apply to vehicles and that pedestrians should have access unless absolutely necessary to restrict it for H&S. (as a cyclist can instantly become a pedestrian by hopping off the bike, then this also means cyclists should be granted access).

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