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Two Hackney town centres could close to through-traffic in face of violent hostility from small minority

Councillor was sent death threats over support for low traffic neighbourhoods

Two of Hackney’s main shopping areas could be closed to through-traffic as the council seeks to deliver a greener borough. The announcement comes in the week that the councillor pushing the plans revealed he had received death threats over his support for low traffic neighbourhoods.

Hackney is committed to reaching net-zero emissions by 2040. With just 30 per cent of Hackney households owning a car, low traffic neighbourhoods have become a major focus of attempts to deliver this.

Newly proposed measures would, subject to funding bids, see traffic filters introduced on Amhurst Road in Hackney Central and on Stoke Newington Church Street.

These would continue to allow motor vehicle access to homes and businesses, but would restrict the through-traffic that causes pollution and congestion on each road.

Almost half the motor vehicles on Hackney streets are not residents, but only passing through.

Councillor Jon Burke, Cabinet Member for Energy, Waste, Transport and Public Realm, said: “Our plans to rebuild a greener Hackney – through quieter, safer streets, new protected cycle lanes and cycle parking and expanded cycle training schemes – will support people who would normally take the bus or train to walk and cycle instead, especially as capacity on local buses remains at only 40% of pre-lockdown levels.

“In doing so, we can help secure the kind of city we witnessed during lockdown, with cleaner air, less traffic and higher levels of walking and cycling.

“If just a fraction of people who used to use public transport return to their cars, it will exacerbate the air quality and road safety crisis we already had before lockdown, and prevent the 70% of Hackney residents who don’t own a car from getting around safely. These plans are aimed at reducing this clear danger, and creating a better Hackney for everyone.”

Burke is frequently confronted with angry objections to such plans on social media and yesterday tweeted one letter he had received in which the writer had made death threats.

The letter has been handed to police.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Rome73 | 4 years ago

If i was a police profiler  I'd sketch the letter compiler as;  male Caucasian, mid forties, overweight, halitosis, possible occupation; taxi driver, delivery driver, low qualified tradesperson, Education; elementary. Tabloid reader, Voteleave, thick . . . .

Although the type of person in the above profile would not typically know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'.  

Rich_cb replied to Rome73 | 4 years ago
Lukas wrote:

If i was a police profiler  I'd sketch the letter compiler as;  male Caucasian, mid forties, overweight, halitosis, possible occupation; taxi driver, delivery driver, low qualified tradesperson, Education; elementary. Tabloid reader, Voteleave, thick . . . .

Although the type of person in the above profile would not typically know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'.  

If I was a bigot I'd make comments like this.

eburtthebike replied to Rome73 | 4 years ago
Lukas wrote:

If i was a police profiler  I'd sketch the letter compiler as;  male Caucasian, mid forties, overweight, halitosis, possible occupation; taxi driver, delivery driver, low qualified tradesperson, Education; elementary. Tabloid reader, Voteleave, thick . . . .

The word you're looking for is gammon.

Spokesperson | 4 years ago

Poor Hackney Business Support staff and Councillor Burke having to read that. It should be fairly easy for the police to find out who posted it (handwriting, DNA, CCTV etc) and take away their licence forever.

By the way what's a "feturki"?

eburtthebike replied to Spokesperson | 4 years ago
Spokesperson wrote:

By the way what's a "feturki"?

Iron Turk.

nniff | 4 years ago

That letter makes a good case for closing Hackney to cars - to keep drivers who are clearly temperamentally unsuited to driving out of the borough.  Temperamentally unsuited to anything really

Rick_Rude | 4 years ago

I'd actually be frightened if it was a well written letter. That fuckwit can't even write a coherent message so I doubt they'll be up to planning a murder. 

cbrndc replied to Rick_Rude | 4 years ago

I don't think having a qualification in English language is a prerequisite for murder. In all probability quite the opposite.

Rick_Rude replied to cbrndc | 4 years ago
1 like

Depends if you want to keep going at it I suppose. Maybe the one and done guy can skip school but your Nielsen needs to keep on top of stuff by reading medical journals and watching CSI, maybe even NCIS.

Rapha Nadal | 4 years ago

Imagine being that irate because you can't drive your car through a town.  Jesus wept.

eburtthebike replied to Rapha Nadal | 4 years ago
Rapha Nadal wrote:

Imagine being that irate because you can't drive your car through a town.  Jesus wept.

These are not rational people; they are being threatened with having their drug taken away.  About ten years ago, there was a report, from the RAC I think, which showed that drivers are addicted, and exhibited all the symptoms of addiction, especially their reaction to withdrawing the ability to drive.

Unfortunately, these people are only too willing to make their views known, and have a disproportionate effect, because the people who would benefit don't stand up and fight for their interests.

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