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cycling downhill in Bath - help !

quick question !

I cycle to work and back each day but on my way home I have to descend the 'Wellsway' which means I hit approx 40mph (ish) - about 3/4 of the way down the Wellsway there is a left hand turn that i use, but it's posing me a few problems regarding braking / hand manoeuvres - basically I'm struggling to brake and indicate my intention (to turn left) at the same time....

There's rarely traffic coming in or out of the side road but the Wellsway is really busy and there's usually cars up my asre so I need to give notice.......

any ideas !

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Redvee | 10 years ago

Forget Strava and brake earlier  22 , chances are you'll get caught by the ped crossing sooner or later.

Blue_Brevatto | 10 years ago

I have a similar situation on my homeward trip - the road is not as busy - but I have to turn right. It's taken a couple of years to master it especially in the dark and even now I still have nervous moments when someone gets really close.

One trick is to keep glancing over your shoulder. Although it's not a legal means of indicating it does send a message to the driver behind that you may be about to do something and they usually back-off a bit.

And as the previous poster said. Indicate first and early whilst you and they are still travelling at same speed. Then brake gently. Then indicate again then brake again. And so on as many times as you need.

And also try and control your speed and not let it get too high - I know you've got cars "up your a**e" and so going slower probably feels counter-intuitive. But on a road like that they'll be too close whatever speed you're doing (even if it is supposed to be a 30). The faster you go - the faster they will go. So you're not actually making your life easier - especially if it then causes you braking issues later down the hill.

stuke | 10 years ago

Ride in the primary position going down the hill as you should be going fast enough that cars shouldn't need to overtake. Signal your left intention before you need to start braking and fully take the lane to stop any traffic coming past.
Be positive in your actions and you'll find controlling the traffic easier.
Taking a wider line in will give you more visibilty as you enter the left turn as well.

dave atkinson | 10 years ago

go down bloomfield rd instead, much quieter  26

IngloriousLou | 10 years ago

Brake harder and earlier!  1

Seriously though, staying safe comes above signalling a left turn. Do the best you can but keeping yourself upright comes before telling others.

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