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Cycling org tells cyclists to get out of the way so cars can pass?

Every time I ride by this sign, I'm annoyed because I feel like the message, as given by a large cycling advocacy organization in New Hampshire, USA, is a bit too much of "Get out of the way of cars. They have important places to go and you are slowing them down."

While the main text of "Share the Road" if great, maybe the subtext could encourage cyclists to be visible to cars or ride in a predictable manner, or it could encourage cars to slow down and make safe passes (something that rarely happens on this particular road). It's not like there are any "critical mass" rides happening in New Hampshire where cyclists are actively trying to prevent cars from passing them.

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pikeamus | 10 years ago

Of course, the major difference between a bike and a tractor is that a bike is inherently easy to pass, and doesn't substantially block line of sight. If a bike doesn't pull aside, most of the time there will be easy opportunity to pass within a minute or so as most roads aren't blind for long stretches at a time. If a tractor doesn't pull aside you can easily be stuck behind it until it reaches its destination.

I've only pulled off the road to let cars pass once that I can recall, on a road that was unfamiliar to me in the new forest. I don't think I've ever been driving behind a cyclist and felt they were unreasonable for not pulling aside. The same can't be said of tractors.

upinthehills | 10 years ago

Every conflict that has ever existed has occured due on party not having any respect for another.
Someone needs to take the moral high ground here and show some level of common sense for the common good. As mentioned in an earlier post by Fenix if we spent some time considering drivers and how they feel when affected by cyclists then there would fewer irritated drivers on the road.
You will never get rid of the total idiot but most folks in cars are just us, but in a car. Irritated by the same things that irritate us not surprisingly.
I am both a cyclist and a car driver, I some times commute to work and sometimes drive, if faced with a slow vehicle whilst driving, i.e. Tractor, on the road and that vehicle shows no inclination to pull over or give me space to pass I can become frustrated as I think that its inconsiderate. Its is inconsiderate!!!
Give other road users space to pass when its safe to do so, wave them through if you see the road clear, do something to help the life of others who share the highway. It works. If you do something to help then you have brought a positive experience to some ones day.

Remember how that feels when you are the recipient of a positive experience.

badbobb | 10 years ago

on the odd occasion i have let past drivers, almost all of the time, they acknowledge it, and everybody is happy, just road manners, like some tractors that pull over and let past

Pub bike | 10 years ago

Instead of blaming the cyclist for existing, what about “Motorists stay calm behind cyclists [and don’t rev your engine in irritation] whilst you wait to reach a part of the road where you can pass safely”. Then we can all just get along fine and dandy...

fenix | 10 years ago

It's better to just not be a dick about it. If you're riding two up and someone can't get past - single out and wave them past when safe.

If you're riding solo and someone can't get past - then think about pulling over and letting them past.

If you're out cycling - you'd not want to get held up for miles by a tractor would you ?

mrmo replied to fenix | 10 years ago
fenix wrote:

It's better to just not be a dick about it. If you're riding two up and someone can't get past - single out and wave them past when safe.

And if the road is narrow with blindspots?

Nothing is ever that simple, and what might be considered safe by a car driver in their nice warm steel box, can result in a cyclist getting killed when said driver suddenly realises there is a car coming towards them and they pull in too soon.

BikeBud | 10 years ago

Share your toys. ALWAYS let your brother play with them.

Paul_C | 10 years ago

rip it up... it's not a legitimate road sign so shouldn't be there.

If anybody should be "sharing" the road, it's motor vehicles... you have as much right to the entire lane as they do.

truffy replied to Paul_C | 10 years ago
Paul_C wrote:

rip it up... it's not a legitimate road sign so shouldn't be there.

If anybody should be "sharing" the road, it's motor vehicles... you have as much right to the entire lane as they do.

It's a pity we don't have the opportunity to down vote stupid comments.

Sidi 700c replied to truffy | 10 years ago

If that would be the case i can assure you it would be your comment to get downgraded first.

upinthehills replied to Sidi 700c | 10 years ago

Not too sure........ And not too helpful.

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