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Insured Bike replacement

I've received my replacement bike from the insurers via Wheelies. I don't want to just hop and ride it (I really really do!) without checking something. these bikes are delivered 'ready to ride', but how can I tell if it has been set up safely. horror stories of wheels coming off or brakes failing, gears chewing through the frame loom large in my head! I suppose I should just get on and ride it! Unless its worth getting checked over by a mechanic? help!

Also, which is the best bike insurer/ best policy for a MAMIL with one leg?  19  19  19  19  19

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dotdash | 10 years ago

have you got a bike stand?

It might be worth just checking for any untightened bolts or screws

If so put it on and work through the gears whilst peddling, then test that the breaks stop.

The next thing you can do is to ensure that the breaks stop on the stand. Then see if the wheels move in the release.

Once you are happy take it for a very easy spin to make sure it feels right. Don't forget you need to check the tyre pressure before setting off.

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