Oh lordy-lord y'all what to do? On my daily commute back and forth into and out of the city of London I am encountering an unfeasibly large number of cycling twits and feel no love for them at all.
Not you obviously, you're alright mate, but you know who I mean right?
Yeah you do. You've seen em, I'm talking about the posers. The people riding bikes that cost more than my car and its a pretty damn-nice car too! Clad in team Sky colours, posing with energy gels at traffic lights - cutting you up and riding around at night, with no lights wearing all black thinking that they are invincible Ninjas. You're not f@ckin Ninjas OK!
Worst of all seems to be the growing number of people that get into daily slanging matches with car and bus drivers.
I've even seen and been on the recieveing end of arguments with fellow cyclists. Where's the solidarity brothers and sisters?. How many people have to die before you are going to understand the simple rule: Biggest Wins!
Dont fight cars you are going to lose. Surely deference is the key for all us road users to get along.
It never used to be this way. Will it ever revert or has the lid to Pandora's box fallen off its hinges?
What do people think?
Will the sea of cycling twittery eventually recede back and allow a return to good times?. Shoud I just get over it, grow a beard, drop a grand in Rapha and remortgage my house to buy a bike that I am too fat to ride properly?
Someone said to me recently "Cycling is the new Golf". The shock has worn off but the pain hasn't gone away.
Your answers on a postcard please.
Big Love
Uncle Badger (Trainee Old Git)
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Fair play to you mate
And you are doing a fine job of demonstrating that. Who cares what people wear and why are you so jealous that they can afford an expensive bike? Sounds like you need to chill out. 'Orbiting' fellow cyclists to try and prove you're better than them is a bit pathetic...
Douche bags who try to be the big man? Delicious, delicious irony.....
And stop liking your own posts.
Nowt wrong with my endurance. That stretch is usually after 100 odd miles, with another 70 to go. Cycling is the most tedious, boring thing in the known world. If I could get the 'pay off' any other (legal) way, I would. Unfortunately, I have to endure cretins on bikes, it's all part of it. If I have to put up with that sort of horse shit, I'm at least going to make the most of it.
you really need to get a grip.
If I don't, who will? And bollocks.
I have a firm grip thanks and the only thing I need to stop doing is feeding the pathetic troll.
Enduring 'cretins on bikes' in undoubtably necessary for the 'pay off' that cycling brings, but I'm curious about what you gain from enduring 'cretins on bike forums'... What's the pay off from that?
That's the thing with Internet forums. They are a mine of useful information (the pay off), and you do find a lot of chest beating knobbers as well. I endure the chest beaters, to get the information I need.
Maybe you should take up knitting instead, clearly you are not suited to cycling. I shall have to dig out my old Lance Armstrong USPS 2001 blue train kit. I wear it occasionally even in the last two years and do you know how many people have said anything about it? Zero. Most people don't even know what I am wearing. Are you the person who thinks it is their place to say something, or give me an 'orbit.' You would just prove what an arse you are by calling me out. Or maybe you should just keep you trap shut and seethe with rage instead. It should be a dickhead magnet if I go past you.
Why you think your cretinous violent fantasies would be appreciated here I don't know. You should watch the Last Leg #dontbeadick
Good Lord, you're an angry little man aren't you?
Said the close passing fantasist.
The only fantasies are in your head. Get over yourself.
I am an angry LARGE man. You better watch yourself. If you orbit me you will end up like Beagle 2.
Oh good god, did you really type that?
I've a pair of Belkin bib-shorts, and my lad has a matching junior Belkin top (courtesy of the magnificent Prendas and their clearance ) which we like to wear in honour of Lars Boom's magnificent TdF Stage 5 victory last year (but only once the team had changed sponsor)
But the Prendas replica of the old San Pellegrino jersey must be the finest cycling apparel ever. The font always makes me smile
Fair play to you bro
It goes to show how weird human beings are.
If I ride my Ducati to work in full Ducati leathers nobody would bat an eyelid.
If I drive my Porshe to work decked out in every bit of clothing etc. from their accessories catalogue a lot of people would think I was a bit of a plonker.
If I wear my Arsenal shirt to the pub to watch the game it's considered normal but when I wear my full Arsenal kit and matching boots (not to mention my branded kit bag and towel) to football training on a Wednesday night people laugh at me.
Cycling in full pro kit seems to be a grey area in terms of public opinion.
disclaimer: I do not own a Ducati, drive a Porsche, support Arsenal or play football.
I guess it depends. I always say good morning/evening etc to those I'm passing or raise my hand in salute to those on the other side and if someone passes me I'll reply to their salutation.
If I'm out on a training ride for example and go past someone then the comment may be something like "the headwind is hard today" or "this hill is a killer".
If someone passes me then I'll always try to jump on their wheel but will, again, always answer any salutation.
Seconded. Ladies and gentlemen, can we please draw a line under this one now.
Some cyclists wear team kit; some don't.
Some cyclists ride road bikes; some don't.
Some cyclists obey the Highway Code as it applies to cyclists; some don't.
And here endeth the lesson.
That's more or less what I do. Most cyclists respond with a jokey reply or a wave, but occasionally I'm just blanked. Some cyclists are just anti-social. A nod or wave doesn't hurt.
Come to Yorkshire, a simple nod is sufficient.
Some of the people on this thread seem to live in a different world to me, and it sounds like a pretty sad one. Obnoxious comments to someone overtaking? Deliberately circling around to do it again and wind them up? Kicking wheels? Really?
If they're just trolling, same thing applies.
This thread seems to have degenerated into a nasty slanging match. What's up with people. We're all just cyclists at the end of the day. What does it matter what sort of bike we ride/kit we wear? Each to his/her own. If it makes you feel good . . .
Absolutely right. I don't think anyone cares about what equipment or kit other cyclists have. I sure as hell don't, I've got better things to worry about. I just can't resist winding the 'all the gear, no idea, but have to try and be a hero, because they've splashed the cash on some super fancy gear' brigade up.
You are thick as well as a prick! You say you don't care, then go on a rant that suggests the opposite!
I find those two things are usually attributed to people who make judgements on people they've never met, on an Internet forum. Ohhhhhhhh you are the epitome of irony.
You actually said that, didn't you ? To someone else ? That's genius - a sort of irony mobius strip....