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Too many cycling twits!

Oh lordy-lord y'all what to do? On my daily commute back and forth into and out of the city of London I am encountering an unfeasibly large number of cycling twits and feel no love for them at all.

Not you obviously, you're alright mate, but you know who I mean right?

Yeah you do. You've seen em, I'm talking about the posers. The people riding bikes that cost more than my car and its a pretty damn-nice car too! Clad in team Sky colours, posing with energy gels at traffic lights - cutting you up and riding around at night, with no lights wearing all black thinking that they are invincible Ninjas. You're not f@ckin Ninjas OK!

Worst of all seems to be the growing number of people that get into daily slanging matches with car and bus drivers.
I've even seen and been on the recieveing end of arguments with fellow cyclists. Where's the solidarity brothers and sisters?. How many people have to die before you are going to understand the simple rule: Biggest Wins!
Dont fight cars you are going to lose. Surely deference is the key for all us road users to get along.

It never used to be this way. Will it ever revert or has the lid to Pandora's box fallen off its hinges?

What do people think?
Will the sea of cycling twittery eventually recede back and allow a return to good times?. Shoud I just get over it, grow a beard, drop a grand in Rapha and remortgage my house to buy a bike that I am too fat to ride properly?

Someone said to me recently "Cycling is the new Golf". The shock has worn off but the pain hasn't gone away.

Your answers on a postcard please.

Big Love

Uncle Badger (Trainee Old Git)

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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Bikebikebike | 9 years ago

Yeah the way forward is to ride in the gutter, and cry softly to yourself if cut up by a car. Biggest wins.

Yorkshie Whippet | 9 years ago

I look at it two ways.

There's your view of twittery, which is perfectly valid. Eventually the true twits will get bored and move onto the next best thing since...

The other is that the downtrodden masses are starting to fight back against the pricks behind wheels. I myself had a go at a gentleman for twice not giving me enough room at the weekend. On that one I disagree that biggest wins, David and Goliath, USA v Viet Cong, US aircraft carrier v lighthouse.

stem | 9 years ago

"Biggest Wins!"

Not sure that this should be the case. It will be in an impact, but I don't think you should cede priority just because someone else is in a heavier vehicle.

sergius | 9 years ago

I don't commute through town at the moment, and though I don't resemble that remark r.e. the team sky gear; I'm a little bit at a loss as to why it's any different to wearing Castelli gear (almost as expensive as the Rapha stuff), or if say someone was wearing Etixx-Quickstep team colours instead of Sky.

I'll be the first to admit that I've upgraded all my cycling clobber to Castelli over the last few months - it's just better stuff (fit/comfort) than the cheaper stuff I used to buy.

evojm72 (not verified) | 9 years ago

I'm inclined to agree with you and Bernard Hinault regarding the jerseys:-

"When I see pot-bellied cyclists wearing the 'maillot jaune,' it appals me."

daddyELVIS | 9 years ago

With you on the Team Sky colours!

Nothing wrong with riding a really nice bike though!

bigmel | 9 years ago

I reckon that a disappointing Rio 2016 and then a standout sport in 2020 will take care of things. Grit your teeth until 2022 . . .


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