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First ride in 3 months

I rode my new Kuota KOM for the first time! A gentle 12km ride to Look Mum no Hands and back. Thanks to everyone who answered my questions about insurance claims,potholes and recovery. Still having physiotherapy but much happier after today's exploits!

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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Gkam84 | 12 years ago

Well lucky I was just round the corner from my house. Was just going to go about a mile and back on the long straight we have.

I thought I had just burst the tube, so rolled home to change it rather than standing on the road side. Ended up I ripped the tyre and tube. Ripped my camera from its mount and its screw on hold has now been stripped. Then slightly buckled my wheel. Not a huge amount of damage. Just tightened a couple of spokes and replace the rest.

Not the greatest video, I film in time lapse, but for some reason they have faded into each other through editing. Must learn the program better  3

onlyonediane | 12 years ago

Marks and Spencers paid up in full less £50 excess, a result! Southwark Council denying responsibilty, but BCF solicitors are asking a Specialist Barrister for legal advice. Sorry to hear about the pothole, what did you damage? Here's to full fitness!!

Gkam84 | 12 years ago

How did you get on with your claim and the potholes?

I hope you are back to full fitness soon. I've only been back on the bike two days after having my appendix out a few weeks ago, Supposed to wait 8 weeks. I think its 6 now  19

First ride yesterday and I dunted a pothole and did a bit of damage  20

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