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Hi all
decided to buy one of these as a winter trainer
thing is with the weather being as it is (snow/ice) ive had the bike for over a week but unable to ride it!!
Anyone else got one and used it? first impressions please

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Super Domestique | 12 years ago

Not ridden one or even seen one but every comment I read about them is positive.

I don't think you'll be disappointed.

60kg lean keen ... | 12 years ago

If any on gives you grief then try this for a story. Tell them for the price of that £1200 bike that they are probably riding, the money I’ve saved on the Triban 3 I’ve bought a bike bag and week away with Sir Brad in Mallorca!!!! Who’s laughing now!!!!  3

Adey | 12 years ago

Thanks for taking the time for your detailed opinion
be interesting to see what response i get when i finally get the chance to ride it on my local club run !!  13  3

60kg lean keen ... | 12 years ago

I love mine!! Many bike snobs do put it down but at £300 it fantastic! Yes if you can afford £600 plus for 2013 Sora or knock on the door of £1000 for something running 105. Then 2300 and unbranded – unknown cranks and cockpit bits may seem a bit pants, but I repeat its £300. For that you get a decent light ish wheelset, good brakes (own branded btwin, but work just fine!) a Sora front mec and yes a carbon fork. The frame geo feels spot on too, smooth and stable but steerable and directional when you need it to be. To repeat, £300 for 10 kilos ish, you do the maths, price for weight it is far ahead of any thing else out there.
Felt Z100 £550 (discount £480 ish) / Marlin Argengta £700ish / Bordman Sport £499 (Alloy fork)
All above run 2300 and there are many more out there from the usual suspects but not at £300
I clicked and collected mine from my nearest store and it was fully built by some one who by taking to him in the shop seemed to know and have a passion for all things bike!

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