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#mycyclingweekend 14 - In the pink

Your photos from a pleasantly pink #mycyclingweekend + Cav wins, Spin London & the Giro d'Italia...

If you weren't lucky enough to be sunning yourself in Italy or California watching the Giro d'Italia get underway or Mark Cavendish obliterating the Tour of California field, you weren't alone.

Here at, most of us plumped for a #mycyclingweekend of shower dodging and bike fettling - while our Tech Editor Dave Arthur headed over to London for Spin London.

Loads of you took to the roads under our occasionally sunny skies here in the UK, and some of you even sent us in some great shots of your weekend rides.

The start of the Giro meant that pink had to be the theme this week, and we did see a smattering of the colour across our social media feeds. A smattering that was helped Saturday's surprise sunny spells that caught some of you *cough* Steffan Harries *cough* off guard.



If you've forgotten to send us your photos, it's not too late! Pop them in the comments box at the bottom of this page, or attach the #mycyclingweekend hashtag to a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter post now. In the meantime, here are a few more pink pics from the weekend:





If you didn't manage to get out on your bike, whether that was because you were glued to the action unfolding in Genoa and San Remo at the Giro or becuase you were admiring the bikes on show at Spin London, we're sure - like us - you still spent most of the weekend with bikes on your mind.

Our man David Arthur was over at Spin London taking in all of the weird and wonderful bikes that were on show, and there were loads. Obvioulsy, he wasn't alone; Twitter user Young Phoagy was also there.

You'll see one of Dave's photos of Canyon's Spin offering - a bizarre intergrated stemmed model -  below, followed by Young Phoagy's highlight - a wooden track bike. If you want to see more just follow this link.



We're not sure if we've mentioned it, but the Giro d'Italia got underway over in Italy this weekend.

The weekend's action saw Team Sky's Elia Viviani take his first stage victory in the race, and Australian Micheal Mathews of Orica-GreenEdge take the pink jersey. On stage two we also saw a rather brutal crash caused by a fixie-riding spectator joining the race in the closing stages. You can catch the video below.


Away from the Giro, Mark Cavendish was displaying some early-season form over on the west coast of America. The Manxman obliterrated the field in what he described as a "chaotic" finish to the 203km first stage of the Tour of California.

We'll leave you with a few more of this weekend's photos, and a brief reminder that taking part is as easy as including the #mycyclingweekend hashtag in your posts to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.



Probably the coolest road around

A photo posted by Iancu Barbarasa (@iancul) on




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middlering | 9 years ago

#mycyclingweekend #fredwhitton

Plumieux | 9 years ago

Mont Ventoux - need I say more?

Oleschroder | 9 years ago

Almost high from the glowing green forests north of copenhagen! Nice ride for 56kms

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