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72-year-old time trialist killed in Derbyshire road traffic collision during club 10

Event was being run by the club he founded

A 72-year-old man has been killed while taking part in his local club’s 10-mile time trial. John Stewart, who was a member of the South Pennine Road Club, was hit and killed on the A50 at around 7.50pm on Thursday night.

The Derby Telegraph reports that retired Derby City Council officer, Stewart, was a lifelong cyclist and a founding member of the South Pennine Road Club which began in 1962.

He was hit by a flat-bed Mercedes between the A511 junction and Junction 5 for Hilton. A spokeswoman for Derbyshire police said died at the scene.

She said: "A number of cyclists were on the A50 at the time and officers investigating would like anyone with dashcam footage to contact them as it may assist with the investigation. We are appealing for witnesses to call 101 quoting incident number 794 of June 15.”

General secretary of South Pennine Road Club, Sue Bowler, said: "He had been a chairman and time trial secretary of the club for a number of years, as well as a respected timekeeper, handicapper and organiser.

"He is survived by his wife Veronica and daughter Elizabeth as well as step-children and grandchildren. He will be sorely missed by the large body of cycling friends he has made over many years."

She added: "His proud boast was that he had ridden at least one time trial every year since 1962. In his younger days he was a prolific tourist and had spent many happy touring holidays with friends in the UK."

In 2012, 47-year-old father-of-two Karl Austin was hit and killed by a lorry while riding in a time trial on the A50.

The driver responsible was banned for two years and given a 24-week jail sentence, suspended for two years, after pleading guilty to causing death by careless driving.

In 2014, a petition was launched to stop ‘dangerous’ time trial cycling on the road. Referring to Austin’s death, it stated: “Cyclists struggle to cycle in straight lines when extremely tired in competitions and tend to vier [sic] all over the dual carriageway where heavy traffic is travelling at 70mph.”

The petition attracted just 136 signatures.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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dottigirl | 7 years ago

I'm always encouraging people to have a go at a TT, but when I'm aware of how unpleasant and risky some of these roads are, the words feel flat. One of my clubs runs a TT along a fast A road/dual carriageway and I can't in all honesty recommend it. 

I know that the chance of bodily harm is low, but there's always at least one close plass. 

I was looking into what it takes to create and approve a TT course recently, and sadly there are so few courses which could be used in some areas. The guidelines aren't terribly convoluted, but the proliferation of traffic lights rules out most roads. 

nappe | 7 years ago
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I don't want accusing of victim blaming(again), my take is that though I wouldn't ride that road normally, I'd be happy tting on it. By 7.50pm it should have calmed down traffic wise and the sight lines, combined with the 2 lanes gives motorists chance to overtake safely.

Deeferdonk | 7 years ago

This is really sad. I am local to where this happened and saw the time triallers that night not realising what had happened until i saw it on the news the next day. Personally I would never consider taking my bike on the A50 there as it is essentially a 2 lane motorway and it s bad enough round here for close passes on normal roads let alone at 70+mph. I no way intend that to sound like victim blaming, they are perfectly entitled to ride their bike s along that road without fear for their lives and should be even safer when there are a number of cyclists and signs up because it's an event. I just can't trust the small percentage of motorists who don't pay attention, drive too fast and too close - and the "system" for not enforcing the law.

cidermart | 7 years ago

Typical ill informed fucktard from the media trying to incite a reaction. Disgraceful.

nappe | 7 years ago
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Nasty interview with John Stewart regarding the 2012 death. I wonder if the same interviewer would like to put the same questions to Mr Stewart's family?

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