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Man in Lithuania TRIPLE everests hill inside 48 hours

Just the 483 hill reps

Odd that cycling should have brought about a need for the verb ‘to everest’. Odder still that anyone should feel the need to celebrate their 40th birthday by cycling triple the elevation of the world’s highest peak through doing repeat ascensions of the same hill.

You can see Saulius Speičys’ 48-hour everesting efforts on Strava here. The ride is currently flagged, but he thinks this is because he’d initially uploaded ride data from two separate devices.

The Lithuanian chose the Three Crosses climb in Vilnius for his attempt and he’ll be hugely familiar with its 16% slopes as it’s only 200m long.

According to Hells 500, who manage the everesting hall of fame, our man scaled it 483 times for total height gain of 26,592m.


Wait. WHAT?!?! Yep. That's a triple everesting. Brava Saulius Speičys!

A post shared by Hells 500 (@hells500) on

Speičys explained that it was a 40th birthday ride, beginning on September 20. “Initial goal of 100,000 feet (30,480m) of elevation came down to three Everests due to stops because of rain/humidity/storm half of time. It was dry only 16 hours at the start and 10 hours at the finish.”

In July, two cyclists in Washington state in the US managed to everest a hill twice without stopping, but as far as we know this is the first time anyone’s managed a triple.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Simboid | 7 years ago

Presumably he contrived some kind of device to reduce his available oxygen by 2/3rds? 

Otherwise he just went up a short hill a tedious amount of times. Credit to him for his perseverance, the only high thing about this was his boredom threshold though.

madcarew | 7 years ago

I call BS.

... Well I did based on the numbers given in the report (200m climb, 15.4% etc) but then I looked at the strava post and it makes more sense... well, from a distance covered and human ability point of view anyway.

Leviathan | 7 years ago

Flagged, Bad GPS.

handlebarcam | 7 years ago

I'd have stopped at 21,230 meters, the point at which one could claim to have "Olympus Mons'ed" the hill.

Actually, to be completely honest, I wouldn't have bothered at all.

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