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“Typical cyclists”: Motorists and cyclists treated differently in newspaper reports of fatal road collisions, new study finds

Researchers, based at the University of Westminster, found that media reports tend to erase driver agency “in all but exceptional cases”

A recent academic study from the University of Westminster has found that car drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are depicted differently in newspaper reports of road traffic collisions.

The study, entitled ‘Rogue drivers, typical cyclists, and tragic pedestrians’ and published in the scholarly journal Mobilities last month, analysed how fatal road collisions were reported in stories in the Evening Standard between 2012 and 2019.

Professor Rachel Aldred and Dr David Fevyer, both based at Westminster’s Active Travel Academy, researched stories related to three types of collision: when a cyclist dies in a collision with a car or van, when a pedestrian dies in a collision with a car or van, and when a pedestrian dies in a collision with a bicycle.

The researchers examined how these articles portrayed the incidents and the people involved in them – and in doing so, were able to identify “distinct discourses” around each type of road user.

Aligning with the findings of previous similar studies – and as pointed out on numerous occasions by our readers – the researchers found that car drivers were frequently given “low prominence” in reports, and were often referred to indirectly through references to their cars (for example, ‘A man in his 30s died last night after being hit by a car’).

This changes, however, when drivers are associated with what could be regarded as “exceptional behaviour”. For instance, a ‘hit-and-run driver’ will be referred to as directly involved in an incident and given higher prominence in reports because they can be identified as “rogue drivers”, untypical of most other motorists.

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Professor Aldred and Dr Fevyer found that cyclists, on the other hand, were always referred to “directly and prominently” in the eight years-worth of articles examined, regardless of their role in the collision and whether they were the victim or the surviving party.

According to the study, reporting patterns tend to “erase driver agency in all but exceptional cases”, while at the same time depicting the involvement of cyclists in collisions as more typical.

Cyclists’ deaths are also frequently linked to other recent cycling fatalities, but the researchers observed that there is often little attempt to alert the reader to the common factors behind these collisions, such as poor infrastructure.

Cycling is thus viewed as the only common link between fatalities which implies, according to the authors, that cyclists’ deaths are simply viewed as a typical and expected outcome of cycling.

By contrast, pedestrian deaths on the roads, which greatly outnumber those of cyclists, are treated as individual tragedies with no reference as to how often they happen or what may cause them.

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“These findings contribute to an emerging area of research concerned with how media reporting shapes public understanding and discussion around road safety,” said Dr Fevyer.

“The differences we identified between the portrayal of different road users highlights some of the ways in which inequalities between them are reinforced.

“These findings are important in light of recent research conducted elsewhere, which has suggested links between how cyclist and pedestrian deaths are framed, and how readers interpret blame and the need for action to prevent future such deaths.

“By framing pedestrian deaths as isolated tragedies and cyclist deaths as typical outcomes of cycling, current reporting patterns direct attention away from the sources of danger for both types of user.

“This area of research can help to inform improvements in reporting practices and ultimately lead to better public understanding of how road danger can be addressed.”

In May 2021, the Active Travel Academy, along with journalist and contributor Laura Laker, published a set of guidelines for reporting road traffic collisions, aimed at the UK media. 

The guidelines encourage media, among other things, to avoid using the word “accident” – with “crash” or “collision” not carrying the same association with chance – and to acknowledge the role of motorists, rather than simply referring to cars.

Ryan joined in December 2021 and since then has kept the site’s readers and listeners informed and enthralled (well at least occasionally) on news, the live blog, and the Podcast. After boarding a wrong bus at the world championships and ruining a good pair of jeans at the cyclocross, he now serves as’s senior news writer. Before his foray into cycling journalism, he wallowed in the equally pitiless world of academia, where he wrote a book about Victorian politics and droned on about cycling and bikes to classes of bored students (while taking every chance he could get to talk about cycling in print or on the radio). He can be found riding his bike very slowly around the narrow, scenic country lanes of Co. Down.

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eburtthebike | 2 years ago

Something I'm sure every reader here will recognise, since it happens every day in all the msm; four wheels good, two wheels bad.  Still, it's nice to have it confirmed.

hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

Just dug up some articles about how the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce (motor lobbyists) were able to influence media to downplay the agency of drivers and also implement jaywalking as a crime:

brooksby | 2 years ago

It does explain why, if you tell someone that you cycle to work (on the roads!) then they look at you as if you have admitted to lion taming or pole vaulting a volcano...

Kieran_B replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

Bloody red lava jumpers...

brooksby replied to Kieran_B | 2 years ago
1 like

Oh, very good, sir!

Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago

It's not really a surprise MSM tends to reflect and amplify societal norms and create a smear of homogeneity.

Since the majority of MSM exists to gain and keep an audience then they tend to want to amplify the average of the views and outlooks at the expense of out groups. 

If it's any comfort cyclists are by no means the only out group.

Surreyrider replied to Secret_squirrel | 2 years ago

All media exist to reinforce the prejudices of their readers/viewers. The Daily Fail says a lot about our country.

Flintshire Boy replied to Surreyrider | 2 years ago
1 like


As does the Daily Mirror. And the Grundie.


Rome73 replied to Flintshire Boy | 2 years ago

Yes, perhaps but the Guardian is not full of lies and shit and does not incite against immigrants, europeans, cyclists, women, Muslims  . . . .  

eburtthebike replied to Rome73 | 2 years ago

Lukas wrote:

Yes, perhaps but the Guardian is not full of lies and shit and does not incite against immigrants, europeans, cyclists, women, Muslims  . . . .  

Perhaps not, but I gave up reading it when they had a double page spread on unitised cars on national cycle to work day; thirty years ago?

joe9090 replied to Rome73 | 2 years ago

Theres a whiff of gammon about FB. I tend to ignore his input now.

Captain Badger replied to Flintshire Boy | 2 years ago

Flintshire Boy wrote:


As does the Daily Mirror. And the Grundie.


And they're all printed on paper, and available on the web. Snap 2!

hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

@Ryan - you deleted the wrong one. I'm going to have to post this again


hawkinspeter | 2 years ago


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