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Video: Team mechanic sprints through chaotic aftermath of crash with replacement bike

The video shows it's not only the riders who need to be in top shape at the Tour...

A Jumbo-Visma mechanic is filmed sprinting through the chaos of yesterday's huge crash with a replacement bike.

The dramatic footage released by the team shows the mechanic leaping out of the team car, grabbing a bike off the roof and sprinting down past the spectators on the side of the road.

As he runs the crowd cheers him on and the determined mechanic, believed to be Sem Versteeg, stops at nothing to reach the peloton.

Commenting beneath the video, people praised his 'nerves of steel' although some questioned whether he might have been better off simply riding the bike through the cars... 

> French police launch hunt for fan who caused huge crash at Tour de France

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Miller | 3 years ago

Great effort but yes, why not just ride the bike.

Rendel Harris replied to Miller | 3 years ago
Miller wrote:

Great effort but yes, why not just ride the bike.

Total guess but I'd assume the UCI have a rule that the only people allowed to ride bikes on the parcours are the riders? Imagine in the mountains when the team cars are stuck behind and a rider has a mechanical, teams could use reserve riders as mechanics to jump on the spares and ride them up!

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