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Cold when not riding

Is it just me.The only time I'm warm is while riding.Before I started cycling I was fine.That was 25 years ago.Now 10 stone lighter and 53 years old I seem cold most of the time.Is it that we cyclist's have a super cooling system.Two years back at Hyde park watching a band mid afternoon35+c people were fainting in the heat and I just felt warm enough.Always at home In winter I'm cold.I have to ride the bike to feel warm.I'm 6ft 4ins and 16 stone so not skinny!!

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minnellium | 10 years ago

Yes - like Mooleur, I think this is possibly a thyroid problem - have heard of similar

The weight loss thing would also hint at that - your thyroid could well have been affected by large weight loss or indeed helped large weight loss! Get checked out.

notfastenough | 10 years ago

Glad it's not just me then! I assumed it was a high ratio of lean muscle (which burns calories just sitting there) and low insulation (fat). Sometimes when I get cold, eating is the only thing that warms me up, even though I don't feel hungry.

Massive well done on losing the 10 stone though, great achievement, I'm not surprised you feel the cold having lost that!

peterben | 10 years ago

Try taking your temperature every morning on waking. If it is consistently a degree or more below "normal" 37 degrees centigrade, 98.4F, you may have an underactive thyroid. If you are cycling regularly and are 16 stone it may be another indication. If so go to your G.P. and fight for a full thyroid test. Don't let them fob you of with a TSH test, not truly indicative of the state of your thyroid.

mooleur | 10 years ago

I get that, especially after a ride I end up having to stand in a boiling hot shower for about 1.5 hours before I feel even remotely warm! Never used to feel the cold at all!

No idea why, maybe because of lots of lean muscle and not much surrounding it?

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