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Vertical Height Discrepancies Between Garmin & Phone Apps.

I wonder if anyone can help?

Group of us ride together on a regular basis, a couple use Garmin 810s and the rest use apps such as Strava and in my case, Cyclemeter Premium.

We've done a 110km ride today out from Stafford to Ironbridge and looped back. Couple of climbs in and out of Coalbrookedale but basically a flat route. However, the Garmins showed nearly 1100m of climbing whilst the rest of us showed around 600m, which seemed about right. It's not the 1st time this sort of difference has shown up.

So, the question is, has anyone else come across this sort if thing and is it something on the Garmins or phones that need changing?

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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therevokid | 10 years ago

watch out for barometric mishaps as atmospheric pressure can "confuse" them  3

giobox | 10 years ago

The Strava phone app corrects elevation using map data, whereas your 810 uses a barometric altimeter (air pressure basically). This is significantly more accurate than GPS-only based elevation measurements, but still prone to occasional screw ups.

Strava provide a "correct elevation" button on your Garmin recorded rides that lets you get the same map based elevation correction as the Phone app. It's pretty handy when you get a duff ride from the Garmin.

More info here for the curious

macrophotofly | 10 years ago

In Japan its the other way round. The Garmins show half the climbing height compared to those with Strava on their phones. Sometimes the phones show treble. What gives me some comfort in the Garmin is when I plan the routes on RidewithGPS or Mapmyride they tend to be 10-25% more than the Garmin reading at the end of the ride (which I account for the website measuring every small bump on the map that gives incline, whereas the Garmins work on a pressure change averaging approach). Something is madly wrong with Strava and the way it uses the map to calculate altitude on a ride in Japan.....

Redvee | 10 years ago

I take the elevation reading on my Garmin with a pinch of salt, one recent reading was -186ft as I rode along the river.

mill1991 | 10 years ago

My garmin always seems to over estimate the elevation gain. isn't there an option to allow it to correct if you upload to there site - using a base map elevation data I guess.

I've recorded the same ride on my garmin & on strava & then put them both onto OS map (tracklogs) & garmin was over by 50m & the phone 50m under. was only a shortish mtb ride though with 300m or so of climb.

kwi | 10 years ago

My Garmin told me 7' the other night when I had done over 1200'. Must be the cold weather.

ianrobo | 10 years ago

excellent Question.

I use the 810 and last ride it said 900M of climbing which felt right. However when I downloaded the file onto Strava (syncing does not work for me at the moment) it gave it as 750M of climbing from the same data file. I trust the 810 ....

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