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130kph!!!!!!!! can anybody beat that?

Just seen the latest vid of Sky, and the graphic said "fastest speed 130.6kph" am guessing on a down hill @ the Majorca training camp.
81mph in old money!!  4 makes my 46mph down hill with the proverbial tail wind rather lame!! Mind you I am a 53years old, fat, old fart on a 531 steed!!  20

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John G | 12 years ago

130km/h - is that all? Have a look at and ride the bike at warp-speed ...

mr-andrew | 12 years ago

When we were younger, the big thing at the end of each training ride was to see who had registered the highest speed of the day. But when you're 18 coming off doesn't seem all that bad. I've noticed it hurts far more now days, and takes a bloody age to recover.

Adey | 12 years ago

Also into my 50's - once got 45 mph (according to my speedo)
Must be an age thing - i thought "bugger - front tyre blowout"!!
30 - 35mph nowadays fast enough thankyou

giff77 | 12 years ago

@ seabass - i currently use endomondo and usually am happy with the accuracy. It has though at times recorded me at doing 70kph on the flat with a headwind!! It has also dumped me in the middle of the Irish Sea even though I live just outside Glasgow!!! I use the GPS mainly to record route and guage climbing etc. For speed, cadance, distance I use a wireless computer.

The _Kaner | 12 years ago

83kph, read from a speed sensor...and bloody scary, but it was a straight descent..and yes, 1mm of lycra aint gonna save the day if things go last off was at 30kph, only saving grace was the wet road I slid across, leg was a wee bit mangled, but I lived to tell the tale...  16 and chicks dig scars....

mike the bike | 12 years ago

Get me up to forty mph and I have visions of a front wheel puncture. It's not a pleasant thought.

brakesmadly | 12 years ago

Saw 64mph on old school wired wheel sensor cateye once. As a motorcyclist too I started mentally comparing the consequences of an off in a millimetre of lycra versus several mm of leather and slowed down!

kylemalco | 12 years ago

Not accurate, surely that means they could been going faster

Gkam84 | 12 years ago

I haven't see the video, but i'd like a link to it

Personal record is just short of 60mph, flashed up on a static "thank you" speed reader and also on my old skool speedo

But if they are going on GPS stats then it could be way out, for instance, i once travelled at 1331mph on mine, it also lost signal one time and when i can back, for a few seconds i was in the middle of the north sea having travelled over 100 miles in 17 seconds, so the slightest thing can cause GPS to be wildly inaccurate  3

Ian531 replied to Gkam84 | 12 years ago

Hi, the vid is the on the Road.CC home page. Its top of the list.  16

lows100 replied to Gkam84 | 12 years ago
Gkam84 wrote:

I haven't see the video, but i'd like a link to it

Personal record is just short of 60mph, flashed up on a static "thank you" speed reader and also on my old skool speedo

But if they are going on GPS stats then it could be way out, for instance, i once travelled at 1331mph on mine, it also lost signal one time and when i can back, for a few seconds i was in the middle of the north sea having travelled over 100 miles in 17 seconds, so the slightest thing can cause GPS to be wildly inaccurate  3

This happened to me the other day. Out running with a Garmin 310xt, I got just over a mile and a half away from home, but the Garmin was telling me i'd done over 100 miles!

dave atkinson | 12 years ago

personally i'm not convinced that GPS devices (that all teams seem to use these days) can be trusted for an accurate maximum speed. The sampling rate and margin for error just make it a bit of a lottery. If you're going down a mountain descent and your GPS picks up a reflected signal from a rock face, it can put your position out by tens of metres, that's enough to give you a serious speed boost  1

seabass89 replied to dave atkinson | 12 years ago
dave_atkinson wrote:

personally i'm not convinced that GPS devices (that all teams seem to use these days) can be trusted for an accurate maximum speed.

Are you sure? I find them to be quite reliable and my results quite sensible. Then again I never have a "old-school" magnet speed reader on my bike?

Mind you, my mobile phone GPS can pick up almost immediately what side of the road I am standing on, so that seems quite accurate at least?

Thats a job for you guys in! Find out how accurate the GPS apps (Edomondo, Strava, etc) are!  10

trikeman | 12 years ago

lame!! Mind you I am a 53years old, fat, old fart on a 531 steed!!  20

 41  21

I thought that was hilarious,,,,

I too am the North end of the big 50, maybe not so fat, certainly old fart and my nearly 50 MPH downhill with serious wind behind (natural) a little while ago was absolutely frightening. Can't remember too much other than holding on both hands on the drops and my buttocks clentching the saddle, I really dont know how they can do it and look so confident - that is one hell of a speed.

As I wipe away a tear of laughter.....
Trikeman.  3

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