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Car crashes into building - please post your Local news stories

Running this one up the flagpole to see who salutes... 

I just don't remember this being a thing until recently, now it seems a daily occurrence.
Could it be that there are drivers not up to the job, too many cars; should houses be made to ride in single file, shops put on high viz, why are we putting newer buildings in danger like this, it's irresponsible.

'A Dorset Police spokesperson said: "Dorset Police was called at 12.48pm on Thursday, August 13, to a report of a collision involving a car and a wall outside Iceland on Poole Road in Bournemouth.

"It is reported that the vehicle was also in collision with a pedestrian, but they did not require medical treatment." ' 


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AlsoSomniloquism replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
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But I can enter that reg plate into certain websites and get some data, can enter that data elsewhere and get more. Or maybe do an image search and trace you on facebook. Or be malcious and go a red mondeo, I have one and I need to clone the number plate for nefarious purposes so thanks BBC, the one you just published will do fine. As I mentioned it is mostly a "lets not be risked being sued" response.  

David9694 replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago
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Plenty of red Mondeos here, reg plates visible even in the thumbnail view - easier than looking on local newspaper reports, surely? 

AlsoSomniloquism replied to David9694 | 3 years ago

And most of those are done by the owners of the vehicles. I'm not stating that is the sole reason or that it is a consistent process across the board. Just that people are more inclined now to mitigate against what could be concieved as a privacy breach so they decide to hide faces and reg plates and other identifiers when posting them publically.

wtjs replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

Data protection. The same reason faces are sometimes obscured on others posted in the thread

This appears to be 'urban myth' type bollocks to me. I don't believe (admittedly, all I know about the law is the dodges applied by Lancashire Constabulary to thwart it- couldn't resist that) that anyone could get into any trouble of any sort for taking, publishing, 'sharing', tweeting etc. photos of vehicles including the registration in any circumstances we're concerned with in this topic. I guess that there could be trouble if the vehicle was undercover police, secret service etc, or if there was a court order not to publish it. Pretty much all the vehicles in this topic are 'totalled'.

Hirsute replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

that's what I thought but the ICO disagrees !

I don't follow their example

"A vehicle’s registration number can be linked to other information held about the registration (eg by the DVLA) to indirectly identify the owner of that vehicle."

The dvla already know who the keeper is but you can't ask them who it is, so I find it all unconvincing that a photo has to be redacted.

wtjs replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
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that's what I thought but the ICO disagrees !

The Information Commissioner is like the police- inept and forever trying it on. This was the Commissioner trying to prevent 9 names being revealed at a dodgy health trust (later the subject of several proper inquiries):

They do not have a public or political profile or personal responsibility
at a macro level for budgetary, personnel or policy matters; their chief
executives are ultimately accountable for their work; and they therefore
have a reasonable expectation that their privacy should be respected and
their names protected

The Information Tribunal completely disagreed and forced the disclosure of all 9 names. Recently the Commissioner tried to get away with supporting NHS England in declaring me as 'vexatious' so that they wouldn't have to bother with the information request. That was in the Commissioner's Decision Notice, but as soon as I fired the 21 gun broadside at the Commissioner at the Information Tribunal, she withdrew her Decision Notice and allegations immediately. I would have no hesitation in going against the Commissioner declaring that the registration number of a vehicle smashing through the wall of a building must be kept secret. She's a duffer imported from Canada to support the government's wishes for secrecy,

David9694 replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

Off topic much?

So you've got the satisfaction of getting 9 clinicians'/ middle managers' names - did that help your cause any?  Agree: the bloom is off the boom with the IC. 

You have to work pretty hard to earn the "Vexatious" badge: have you?  It is different to "annoying", and "persistent", and "on to something". 

HoarseMann replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago

hirsute wrote:

The dvla already know who the keeper is but you can't ask them who it is

oh yes you can!

you need a good reason for doing so, but anyone can ask for details of a car's owner based on the licence plate.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

I suspect nothing would come from it. However you will notice that it is mostly organisations / companies who do it to be on the safe side just in case. They could be fined alot of found to breach anything or sued for some reason so they want to err on the side of caution. 

David9694 replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

That's data protection gone mad, that is. Thing is, it's not done consistently by newspapers.
Police social media is more consistent. All law enforcement should be on the record - that protects everyone. 

Pyro Tim replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

Not so sure. A car crashed outside my house, and their number plate was obscured, but mine, in the background, not. I phoned the Echo to complain, and they said as I wasn't involved, I didn't have the right to have my number plate hidden

brooksby replied to Sniffer | 3 years ago
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And another one:

Soundwell Road crash: Car flips onto roof in 'serious' collision - updates


A car has flipped onto its roof following a 'serious crash' in north Bristol.

Hirsute replied to mykidsdad | 3 years ago

Those yellow, reflective taped bollards failed to make themselves visible.

David9694 replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

Maybe they should take the advice from over the border and avoid driving at night?

AlsoSomniloquism replied to stonojnr | 3 years ago

Well I blame the home owner. He decided to strip the house of it's hi-viz and then gets hit in the dark. 

stonojnr replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

I'd put in some tank traps, purely as a heritage exhibit of coastal defences of course, having a rusting steel I beam to crash into might focus some minds

wtjs replied to David9694 | 3 years ago
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There was a similar event on a beach in SE Anglesey about 25 years ago- the car was terminated, by the tide I think. Better was a BMW.

Joy of joys! Google finds loads of these... OK, so it's a bit off-topic, but stiil fun!

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
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CPS pre trial meeting: "Driving off the road at between 37-43 mph, lets just state it was careless instead of dangerous so we can all go home quickly"

brooksby replied to Simon E | 3 years ago

Simon E wrote:

Bridgnorth, Shropshire - a white van crashed through a brick wall in the town centre on Saturday night after the driver lost control.

You see? That's what happens when you let go of the reins...

Sheen wheels replied to iandusud | 3 years ago
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David9694 replied to hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

Garden walls demolished in Bristol down the years. 

ktache replied to brooksby | 3 years ago
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I'm guessing that putting a car on it's roof (or the vehicle doing it all by itself) takes a bit of doing, travelling at less than 20mph in a 20 zone...

stonojnr replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago
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Is that checkerboard sign on the fence even a valid road sign? But even the local MP who once lived there (NFN) is now blaming the junction

ktache replied to stonojnr | 3 years ago
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Well obviously they are attempting to suggest that the race is now over...

AlsoSomniloquism replied to ktache | 3 years ago
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Although you have to speed up to grab the checkered flag before the next person. 

AlsoSomniloquism replied to stonojnr | 3 years ago
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The Junction is only as dangerous as the people who approach it. Unless I'm mistaken the car came from the road opposite which has several giveways signs and slow in the roads and yet they ignored them all. The junction is also lit as well. This isn't a problem with angles like the one in the New Forest or buildings blocking the views of oncoming traffic. Just arseholes speeding along and not taking any notice at all. 

stonojnr replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

The Beeb have some more details
& pictures of the car in the house, they are still blaming the road/house it seems for being in the way, but the driver was arrested on suspicion of drink driving & released under investigation.

Hirsute replied to stonojnr | 3 years ago

"It's always been a fast road"

Speed limit is 30 and it is giveway and turn left or right not go straight on.

stonojnr replied to Hirsute | 3 years ago
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Yep it's the cognitive dissonance of the whole thing I just find so ludicrous and worrying as we share roads with people who believe they have no human agency, or free will, in how they drive their cars

Hirsute replied to brooksby | 3 years ago
1 like

Bloody wands.


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